House of Assembly - Fifty-Fifth Parliament, First Session (55-1)
2024-09-24 Daily Xml


School Curriculum

In reply to the Hon. J.A.W. GARDNER (Morialta—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (26 June 2024). (Estimates Committee A)

The Hon. B.I. BOYER (Wright—Minister for Education, Training and Skills): I have been advised of the following:

Through the process of developing the Department for Education's purpose and strategy for public education in South Australia, we identified a range of key aspirations and created the four areas of impact that describe what we will prioritise and resource to deliver on our purpose.

Instead of developing an implementation strategy for adopting the Australian Curriculum V9, we reassigned our staff to adapt it. We created a framework that delivers the Australian Curriculum content while also supporting teachers to design learning, teaching, and assessment that is in line with our purpose and helps teachers to understand what they might prioritise and apply across the curriculum, including to real-world contexts.

The budget previously allocated to prepare curriculum resources and units of work has been repurposed to adapting the Australian Curriculum V9. In total, this has equated to spending of $17.7m in the 2023-24 financial year.

A total of $13.7m has been budgeted for the 2024-25 financial year, and $12.8m in 2025-26 as work on adapting the Australian Curriculum version 9 enters the refinement and implementation phase of the South Australian Curriculum for public education.