House of Assembly - Fifty-Fifth Parliament, First Session (55-1)
2024-09-24 Daily Xml


Remote Work

In reply to the Hon. J.A.W. GARDNER (Morialta—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (26 June 2024). (Estimates Committee A)

The Hon. B.I. BOYER (Wright—Minister for Education, Training and Skills): I have been advised that for the Department for Education:

The department facilitates flexible work arrangements through various IT tools and infrastructure.

Many of these tools are part of the standard toolkit used by all staff, not just for remote working.

Citrix Workspace and Citrix VPN infrastructure was established to support remote work during COVID. The ongoing maintenance and support incur minimal additional costs for the department.

The capability to work from any location is integrated into the organisation's core technology infrastructure. It is not possible to separate specific items or costs related solely to remote work infrastructure. This trend is increasing with much of the infrastructure being natively cloud-based.

That said, the budgeted expenditure for remote work infrastructure for the financial year 2024-25, and for previous years 2022-23 and 2023-24 is as follows:

2022-23 2023-24 2024-25
$'000 $'000 $'000
Expenditure on remote work infrastructure $541 $561 $617