House of Assembly - Fifty-Fifth Parliament, First Session (55-1)
2024-09-24 Daily Xml


Grant Programs

In reply to the Hon. V.A. TARZIA (Hartley—Leader of the Opposition) (21 June 2024). (Estimates Committee B)

The Hon. K.A. HILDYARD (Reynell—Minister for Child Protection, Minister for Women and the Prevention of Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence, Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing): I have been advised:

The following table provides the requested information on grant program/funds under my responsibility for the 2024-25 financial year.

Grant program/fund name Purpose of grant program/fund 2024-25 Estimate $000
Women, Equality and Domestic Violence Prevention Programs supports the full and equal participation of women in the social and economic life of the state. Priorities include implementing strategies to prevent family, domestic and sexual violence; striving for equality for women in every aspect of life; and increasing women's economic participation and leadership. 39,614

The following table provides details, including the value and beneficiary, or any commitments already made to be funded from the program or funds mentioned previously.

Beneficiary Total Contract Value (GST ex) $
Alexandrina Council 330,564
Australian Refugee Association Inc 489,685
Australian Refugee Association Inc 571,295
Catholic Church Endowment Society Inc 372,236
Catholic Church Endowment Society Inc 540,300
Catholic Family Services 326,359
Catholic Family Services 326,359
Catholic Family Services 326,359
Catholic Family Services 326,359
Catholic Family Services (Centacare) 533,533
Catholic Family Services (Centacare) 326,402
Catholic Family Services (Centacare) 326,402
Centacare Catholic Country SA Limited 389,617
Centacare Catholic Country SA Limited 88,923
Centacare Catholic Country SA Limited 242,283
Centacare Catholic Country SA Limited 300,254
Community Justice Services SA Ltd 751,299
Community Transitions 54,398
Community Transitions 745,354
Community Transitions 445,260
Community Transitions 594,000
Council On The Ageing SA Inc 150,000
Gawler Community House 304,372
Junction Australia Ltd 321,969
Kornar Winmil Yunti Aboriginal Corporation 161,000
Kornar Winmil Yunti Aboriginal Corporation 852,684
Kornar Winmil Yunti Aboriginal Corporation 1,084,437
Kornar Winmil Yunti Aboriginal Corporation 327,839
Kornar Winmil Yunti Aboriginal Corporation 445,488
Kornar Winmil Yunti Aboriginal Corporation 1,039,180
Mount Barker Family House Inc 330,528
Multicultural Youth South Australia Incorporated 172,424
Murray Bridge Community Centre Incorporated 305,254
Neami Limited 6,528,084
Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Women's Council (Aboriginal Corporation) 174,968
Nunga Mi:Minar Inc 923,862
Nunga Mi:Minar Inc 511,381
Power Community Ltd 414,072
Relationships Australia South Australia Limited 3,283,660
Sexual Health Information Networking & Education SA Inc (Shine SA) 287,000
The Trustee For The Salvation Army (SA) Property Trust 325,885
Uniting Country SA Ltd 321,273
Uniting Country SA Ltd 328,790
Uniting Country SA Ltd 315,064
Uniting Country SA Ltd 315,064
Women's Emergency Services Coalition Of South Australia Incorporated 518,441
Women's Safety Services (South Australia) Ltd 815,437
Women's Safety Services (South Australia) Ltd 1,398,686
Women's Safety Services (South Australia) Ltd 698,080
Women's Safety Services (South Australia) Ltd 1,097,282
Women's Safety Services (South Australia) Ltd 115,996
Women's Safety Services (South Australia) Ltd 1,118,066
Women's Safety Services (South Australia) Ltd 5,887,733
Women's Safety Services (South Australia) Ltd 560,222
Women's Safety Services (South Australia) Ltd 2,086,705
Women's Safety Services (South Australia) Ltd 5,210,135
Women's Safety Services (South Australia) Ltd 326,392
Women's Safety Services (South Australia) Ltd 100,734,800
Working Women's Centre SA Incorporated 4,707,139
Yarredi Services Incorporated 133,384
Yarredi Services Incorporated 318,224
Yarredi Services Incorporated 311,214
Zahra Foundation Australia Pty Ltd 394,000
Zahra Foundation Australia Pty Ltd 306,500