House of Assembly - Fifty-Fifth Parliament, First Session (55-1)
2024-08-29 Daily Xml


Consultants and Contractors

In reply to Mr PATTERSON (Morphett) (25 June 2024). (Estimates Committee B)

The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN (Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development, Minister for Forest Industries): I have been advised that for the Department of Primary Industries and Regions:

The estimated total cost for engagement of consultants is $208,000 and contractors is $10.87 million in 2024-25.

The following is a summary of external consultants that have been engaged at a total estimated cost above $10,000, the nature of work undertaken, and the estimated cost for 2024-25.

Consultancies Purpose Total Estimated Cost
Fishwell Pty Ltd Project lead for Blueprint for the Future Directions of the Marine Scalefish Fishery $60,000

The following is a summary of external contractors that have been engaged at a total estimated cost above $10,000, the nature of work undertaken, and the estimated cost for 2024-25.

Some contracts cover multiple financial years.

Contractors Purpose Total Estimated Cost
Plant Health Australia Limited Model Development for electronic Plant Health Assurance Certificate $192,818
Aus-Meat Limited Food and safety auditing services $160,000
End2End Consulting Pty Ltd. Project Lead—West Beach Infrastructure Upgrade Works – Project Management $135,168
Hosking Willis Architecture Pty Ltd. Architectural Services – Concept design – SIT facility $50,000
BDO Services Pty Ltd Economic Analysis of fisheries and aquaculture activities within SA $871,927
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Business Case to attract people to careers in the food, wine and agribusiness sectors in SA. $63,734
Pinion Advisory Compilation of Crop and Pasture Report $36,364
BDO Services Pty Ltd Preparing Primary Industries for the impact of compounding and complex disasters $131,330
Phoenix Australia Review of PIRSA's Family and Business Mentor Service $100,000
Barratt Mollison Consulting Group Pty Ltd SA River Murray Transition Program—Program Oversight, delivery & technical services $220,000
BDO Services Pty Ltd Business case for a replacement coastal research vessel $34,000
Urrbrae Foods Pty Ltd. Senior Food Technologist Services $220,000
Solstice Media Pty Ltd Ag Town of the Year award partnership $29,334
Apex Biometry Pty Ltd Statistical Services and designing experiments for Australian Eggs 'Updating layer grain apparent metabolisable energy (AME) data for near infrared (NIR). $14,300
John L Black Consulting Australian Eggs – 'Updating grain AME data for NIR'. $19,800
Proyectos Y Mas Finalisation of the use of Ivanti Neuron for onboarding. $25,000
Proyectos Y Mas Improving the Request to Fill forms in the iApply system for Human Resources. $20,000
Cindy Flower Assistance in developing the Suicide Prevention Plan. $12,000
LA & AM Matthews PTY LTD (Wrights Air) Aviation Services $50,000
Gum Creek Station Bait making and Coordination $50,000
Wild Dog Trapper Program (multiple) Wild dog trapping program $430,000