House of Assembly - Fifty-Fifth Parliament, First Session (55-1)
2024-08-29 Daily Xml


Consultants and Contractors

In reply to Mr WHETSTONE (Chaffey) (26 June 2024). (Estimates Committee B)

The Hon. J.K. SZAKACS (Cheltenham—Minister for Trade and Investment, Minister for Local Government, Minister for Veterans Affairs): I have been advised that for Veterans SA:

The estimated total cost for engagement of consultants and contractors in 2024-25 is $78,000.

The following is a summary of external consultants that have been engaged at a total estimated cost above $10,000, the nature of work undertaken, and the estimated cost for 2024-25.

Consultancies Purpose Total Estimated Cost

The following is a summary of external contractors that have been engaged at a total estimated cost above $10,000, the nature of work undertaken, and the estimated cost for 2024-25.

Contractors Purpose Total Estimated Cost
Be Sustained P/L Design and delivery of Mentoring Program $65,500 $13,000 (2024-25)