House of Assembly - Fifty-Fifth Parliament, First Session (55-1)
2024-08-29 Daily Xml


Ice Sports Sector

Mr WHETSTONE (Chaffey) (14:36): Minister, will the government provide any assistance to the ice hockey and the ice sports sector in South Australia?

The SPEAKER: That's not a supplementary; it is a separate question, so we will mark that down.

The Hon. K.A. HILDYARD (Reynell—Minister for Child Protection, Minister for Women and the Prevention of Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence, Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing) (14:36): Thank you to the shadow spokesperson for recreation. As I said, the IceArenA is a facility for ice sports here in South Australia. I can also advise the house—and I know that you know this very well, Mr Speaker—that our government is really proud of our comprehensive suite of grants programs that support sport and recreation here in South Australia.

I am sorry that the leader does not perhaps support the grants, but I certainly know that everybody on this side of the house is very happy with that comprehensive suite of grants programs. Of course, sporting organisations are, many times across the course of the year, entitled to make applications for funding through those grants programs—and many of those organisations do, of course, make those applications. There are fantastic examples in communities right across our state, in communities represented by members on both sides of the house, where funding has been provided through those grants programs for particular equipment, programs, facilities, upgrades, those endeavours.

If the shadow spokesperson for recreation would like any further information about that comprehensive suite of grants programs, or if any sporting organisation would like information about that suite of grants programs, I am very happy to provide it.

I can absolutely assure the house that during the course of the rest of the financial year there are a couple of grants programs that will be opened again. One of those is the next round of our $18 million Power of Her infrastructure program to increase participation of women across a range of sports. Our Community Recreation and Sports Facilities grants program will also open in this second part of the financial year. I really encourage members to find out more about those and also encourage their sporting clubs and organisations.

I have just glanced over there and I know there have been some great outcomes in the communities of those on the crossbench. The Cougars Netball Club on the Yorke Peninsula was a very well-deserving recipient of an application, and I think The Power of Her was the grants program to which they applied for funds. I understand that group of women are incredibly happy with their grant, and there are many other great examples of how these programs are supporting sporting organisations in South Australia.

I look forward to hearing more about the outcomes of the future processes of that significant suite of grant programs, for which we open applications this year and we will continue to open applications for next year also.