House of Assembly - Fifty-Fifth Parliament, First Session (55-1)
2024-08-29 Daily Xml


Public Works Committee: Lyndoch Recreation Park Redevelopment

Mr BROWN (Florey) (11:11): I move:

That the 82nd report of the committee, entitled Lyndoch Recreation Park Redevelopment, be noted.

The Department of the Premier and Cabinet, in conjunction with The Barossa Council, proposes to redevelop the Lyndoch Recreation Park to create an iconic regional destination for the AFL Gather Round, as well as for future community and national-level sports and events. This is a $40.4 million project, with a contribution of $20 million from the state government.

Following from the success of the 2023 AFL Gather Round, the AFL and the South Australian government came together to plan the future delivery of Gather Round infrastructure in consultation with the SANFL. A review identified an opportunity to establish a venue in the Barossa Valley that would meet the specific requirements of venues hosting AFL competition matches, whilst also maximising tourism and economic benefits in the region.

This coincided with a project by The Barossa Council to develop key infrastructure assets that could support economic, social, community and environmentally sustainable growth in the district. The Lyndoch Recreation Park was selected as a suitable site for this development.

As well as hosting AFL Gather Round fixtures, the Lyndoch Recreation Park will be the preferred location for the long-term future of sporting clubs in the Barossa region and the main hub of the southern Barossa sporting and recreation investment. The redevelopment of the park will include:

a new multipurpose two-storey building to house sports clubs, with an event space and change rooms;

redevelopment of the existing main oval to AFL standards;

a new sporting and recreation green to support growth sports, such as Little Athletics, recreation activities and events;

a new event pavilion to service and support clubs and events using the main oval;

new netball courts;

upgraded and resurfaced tennis courts;

a new playground and family garden; and

upgraded lighting, new carparking, landscaping, tree planning and civil works.

The change rooms and clubrooms are intended to be the home of local tennis, football and netball clubs and Little Athletics. These change rooms will conform to regional requirements for sports in carnival mode, that is, allowing multiple ovals and courts to be in full use and provide the required number of change rooms, umpires and other peripheral facilities. These facilities will also meet AFL guidelines.

The upstairs area will be a flexible space for clubrooms, functions, meetings, committee business and potential exercise areas, as well as support spaces, including kitchen, canteen, toilets and storage. This flexible space will have the capacity to allow two or more clubs to use the space independently at the same time.

The facilities will enhance a strong and growing community in the southern Barossa Valley and Barossa districts region. They will cater for cricket, tennis, football and netball clubs in the area, which all have a strong tradition of sporting competition. The facilities can also act as a function space for large-scale events. The venue will be used to bring new events and festivals to a high-profile regional location that is within close proximity to metropolitan Adelaide and will increase awareness of this iconic part of South Australia, bringing visitors to the state.

The precinct will also link with the Lyndoch Village Green to support events and the community in the southern Barossa. Upgrades to the Village Green, such as the development of necessary power, lighting and other minor infrastructure, are earmarked for further investment in order to support future events in the space. Project works have commenced and the project is expected to be completed in March 2025 in time for the AFL Gather Round.

This project will bring a range of economic, social and environmental benefits. A venue of this scale at Lyndoch has the potential to further contribute to the Barossa as a tourist destination, offering the means for both large-scale signature and smaller-scale community events. The South Australian Tourism Commission will work with operators to develop exceptional products and experiences to drive visitors to the venue and the region.

The venue will bring social benefits to the community, such as an increased sense of civic pride and social capital through hosting premium events like the AFL Gather Round. Greater diversity and inclusion will be fostered through improved access to sporting opportunities, services and activities. Community programs will be established for all age groups and skill levels, such as youth leagues, senior fitness classes and family-oriented activities, which will help to promote widespread participation. The facilities will also be designed to accommodate people with disabilities, making the centre welcoming to all members of the community. Furthermore, the redevelopment will encourage people to be more active, resulting in better community health outcomes.

The park and green spaces at the venue will contribute to environmental sustainability by providing natural habitats to promote biodiversity and help with carbon sequestration. The department notes that well-maintained recreational areas can contribute to a healthier and more sustainable environment for the entire community. The project will involve several sustainable features as assessed by the Department for Environment and Water, including:

the orientation of the building mass and glass, as well as openings of windows and doors, to reduce heat loads during peak sun periods, which will enable thermal stability and reduce dependence on artificial heating and cooling;

the orientation and positioning of glass to reduce dependence on artificial lighting;

the reduction of the energy footprint of the site through no offsite cartage of soil and the use of recycled content and materials with low embodied energy and high insulating qualities;

the use of reclaimed water for oval irrigation which is reharvested through an onsite wetland claims area that can also act as both a green recycle facility and wetland area for birdlife; and

the use of high-efficiency heat pumps with no provision for gas on site.

The Department of the Premier and Cabinet has engaged with the AFL in terms of confirming the suitability of the redeveloped venue for AFL matches. Initial consultation and engagement by The Barossa Council began in 2016, and the council has recently re-engaged with existing park stakeholders such as sporting clubs, Little Athletics and the Southern Barossa Alliance to further refine the planning process. Consultation has indicated universal support for the redevelopment.

The committee examined written and oral evidence in relation to the Lyndoch Recreation Park redevelopment project. Witnesses who appeared before the committee were Wayne Hunter, Chief Operating Officer and Steering Committee Chair, Department of the Premier and Cabinet; and Robert Lustri, Director, Major Projects, Department of the Premier and Cabinet. I thank the witnesses for their time.

Based upon the evidence considered, and pursuant to section 12C of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1991, the Public Works Committee reports to parliament that it recommends the proposed public work.

Motion carried.