House of Assembly - Fifty-Third Parliament, Second Session (53-2)
2015-10-27 Daily Xml


Barossa Country Cabinet

Mr WILLIAMS (MacKillop) (15:14): Given the glowing terms in which the minister described the company Treasury Wine Estates, how is it that his government came to the conclusion that it needed a further $2 million of taxpayers' money?

The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS (West Torrens—Treasurer, Minister for Finance, Minister for State Development, Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy, Minister for Small Business) (15:14): When the opposition call on me to cut payroll tax, that's giving taxpayers' money back to business. Are we to interview every single business that would receive a tax cut and see if they're worthy? There is a process in place where these grants are applied for. The independent Public Service assess them, make recommendations to government and we act on them. What we are really hearing from the opposition is, 'Why did you give a regional—

Mr GARDNER: Point of order, sir. Under 98, the minister clearly isn't responsible for the opposition—and debate.

The SPEAKER: I will listen carefully to how the minister answers the question.

The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: I make no apologies for returning money to the private sector. I make no apology for returning public money to the private sector, and I can't believe that the modern Liberal Party is complaining about us returning taxpayers' money to the private sector. Then again, that is the modern Liberal Party, where they are opposed to privatising government monopolies.

Ms CHAPMAN: Point of order: this is clearly debate.

The SPEAKER: Yes, I uphold the point of order. Does the member for MacKillop have a further supplementary?


The SPEAKER: The member for Adelaide.