House of Assembly - Fifty-Third Parliament, Second Session (53-2)
2016-11-02 Daily Xml


Electricity Generation

In reply to Mr VAN HOLST PELLEKAAN (Stuart) (28 July 2016). (Estimates Committee A)

The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS (West Torrens—Treasurer, Minister for Finance, Minister for State Development, Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy): The South Australian Government held an Energy Industry Roundtable on the 15 December 2015.

At the roundtable the role of small scale modulated nuclear reactors was raised by stakeholders. As the South Australian Government has committed to investigating issues raised by stakeholders, the work program developed by the Department of State Development following the roundtable included research into small scale modulated nuclear reactors.

The Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission provided its final report to the government in May 2016. The Department of State Development is considering the information provided in the report to address stakeholder feedback at the Energy Industry Roundtable and to assist in the development of the government's response to the royal commission's recommendations.

The government is also currently undertaking extensive and ongoing community consultations with all South Australians on all elements of the royal commission's report before any decisions are made about the recommendations. The Government wants to ensure all South Australians have the opportunity to consider the risks and opportunities associated with the Report's recommendations.'