House of Assembly - Fifty-Third Parliament, Second Session (53-2)
2017-02-28 Daily Xml


Answers to Questions

National Disability Insurance Scheme

252 Dr McFETRIDGE (Morphett) (27 September 2016). In reference to 2016-17 Budget Paper 5, page 20—

1. What are the details of the additional $50m in expenditure to support the transition to the National Disability Insurance Scheme?

2. How many people will be supported by the $40.5m in additional expenditure for disability support and will this expenditure item reduce the waiting lists for disability accommodation support, community access and respite services?

3. What are the details of the $40.5m in additional expenditure in 2016-17 for people living with a disability to access services such as accommodation support, community access and respite services and will this funding be delivered through Disabilities SA?

The Hon. L.A. VLAHOS (Taylor—Minister for Disabilities, Minister for Mental Health and Substance Abuse): I am advised:

The 2016-17 state budget includes an additional $50.2m over two years to enable transition to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) by 2018-19. This additional funding will mean around 9,000 new clients, who have not previously received support through the South Australian government specialist disability services, are able to have earlier access to services under the NDIS.

The 2016-17 budget provides $40.5m over 3 years: $15.5m in 2015-16, $15m in 2016-17 and $10m in 2017-18. This funding will be used to continue to provide support to people with disability for a range of services including accommodation support, community support, community access and respite services. Levels and types of support vary according to individual need, therefore it is not possible to provide a definitive number of people supported. Unmet need data is published monthly by the Department for Communities and Social Inclusion. The NDIS' impact on unmet need will occur in 2017-18 when adults enter the scheme

The funding will be distributed by Disability SA in the form of individualised support packages with services primarily provided by the NGO sector.