House of Assembly - Fifty-Third Parliament, Second Session (53-2)
2015-06-30 Daily Xml


Ministerial Statement

Gillman Land Sale

The Hon. J.R. RAU (Enfield—Deputy Premier, Attorney-General, Minister for Justice Reform, Minister for Planning, Minister for Housing and Urban Development, Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister for Child Protection Reform) (14:08): I seek leave to make a ministerial statement.

Leave granted.

The Hon. J.R. RAU: The 30-Year Plan for Greater Adelaide identifies Gillman as a key industry area. Located close to key existing infrastructure, but constrained by zoning, infrastructure and environmental issues on the site itself, the land has outstanding potential to create jobs for South Australians. In spite of interest in developing the site through the past 30 years, the land has remained largely vacant and significantly underutilised.

Part of the reason for the lack of progress in developing the land has been that past proposals have relied on the state government funding significant infrastructure upgrades where the cost and risk have been prohibitive. The Adelaide Capital Partners proposal was significant in that it proposed to develop up to around 407 hectares of the Gillman land to support economic development and jobs growth, including an oil and gas servicing hub, without the need for the government to first spend money to remediate the land.

The government is working with ACP and will continue to do so to ensure that settlement on stage 1 of the land is completed as expeditiously as possible. The government will do all it reasonably can to progress the necessary investigations to consider rezoning the land at Gillman to support development. As I have previously advised the house, settlement on stage 1 of the land cannot occur until certain preconditions are met. Such preconditions include:

1. The completion of the development plan amendment process affecting the land;

2. The satisfaction of ACP that all required planning, environmental and other regulatory requirements have been obtained; and

3. ACP having procured the deposit of a plan of land division over stage 1 of the land.

Public consultation on the ministerial development plan amendment process to consider rezoning the Gillman employment lands commenced on 27 March 2015 and closed on 25 May 2015, with nine submissions received. I am advised that the independent Development Policy Advisory Committee (DPAC) has recently concluded its review of this DPA last week and is expected to finalise its advice today. I understand that the independent advice of DPAC will be provided in due course to the Minister for Police, who has delegated authority to consider this DPA. I expect the DPA will be considered in line with the usual process.

With the conclusion of this DPA process, ACP will complete the work necessary to meet its preconditions to settlement, which it is obliged to do expeditiously under the deed. This is expected to lead to settlement on stage 1 of the land. The government will seek to settle the transaction for the land as swiftly as possible so that the significant economic development potential from this sale is realised as soon as possible.

Ms Chapman interjecting:

The SPEAKER: The deputy leader is called to order not just for interjecting but for blaspheming.