House of Assembly - Fifty-Third Parliament, Second Session (53-2)
2017-08-02 Daily Xml


Infrastructure Projects

The Hon. A. PICCOLO (Light) (15:03): My question is to the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure. How is the state government's $9.5 billion investment in infrastructure projects over the next four years providing opportunities for South Australian small business and workers?

The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN (Lee—Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, Minister for Housing and Urban Development) (15:03): I thank the member for his question. This government is committed to assisting South Australian businesses so they can reap the benefits of the major infrastructure projects we are investing in. We are investing at record levels to build modern, safe and accessible infrastructure which supports thousands of South Australian jobs.

In the 2017-18 state budget, $9.5 billion of major capital investments are committed to, focusing on modernising and improving our health, education and transport systems. This investment is expected to support 5,700 jobs on average per year over the next four years.

Tomorrow, the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure will be holding an industry briefing that will provide an opportunity for local firms to understand the scope and the nature of the projects, the proposed procurement and tendering processes, as well as the potential construction contract packages. It will provide information on upcoming infrastructure projects across our state, including:

our $1.1 billion commitment to health infrastructure;

our major road upgrades, including the Main South Road duplication and the realignment of Daws Road and Springbank Road;

our $464 million investment in education infrastructure, including two new birth to year 12 schools in our northern and southern suburbs;

the $175 million upgrade of Oaklands Crossing; and

stage 1 of the $152 million electrification of the Gawler rail line to Salisbury.

Of course, speaking of projects in the member for Light's electorate, the $55 million Gawler East link road will also be the subject of discussion at tomorrow's briefing, as will the $16.4 million spur line returning train services to the heart of Port Adelaide, the $15 million for new park-and-ride facilities at Tea Tree Plaza and at Klemzig and our $3.5 million investment, following the heavy lobbying of the member for Waite, into the Blackwood roundabout to service that community.

This government works hard to maximise opportunities for South Australian workers and businesses in major projects. For example, the Northern Connector project is exceeding our local participation requirements. Currently, more than 90 per cent of all on-site labour hours are being undertaken by South Australians, more than 50 per cent of all jobs are being filled by northern suburbs residents and more than 20 per cent of all labour hours are being undertaken by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, apprentices and trainees, former automotive manufacturing workers (including those from Holden) and people facing barriers to employment, including the long-term unemployed.

This project has also directly engaged several local Aboriginal-owned businesses within the supply chain, including South Australian company ART Services, as well as Intract Indigenous Contractors. Our government has made a deliberate commitment to provide opportunities to local businesses and contractors by setting in place policies that ensure South Australian businesses of all sizes share in the benefits of this investment.

Engaging with business and industry from the outset means we can maximise the benefit to local firms and to local workers. We want more and more businesses to be able to take advantage of that focus on local content and participation in major projects, and tomorrow's industry briefing is a great opportunity for companies from South Australia to learn more about how best to place themselves with the greatest chance of winning contracts and being successful tenderers.

We have made clear the importance for the South Australian economy of investing in infrastructure, and we remain the only major party in South Australia committed to infrastructure investment and committed to supporting South Australian jobs through these investments.