House of Assembly - Fifty-Third Parliament, Second Session (53-2)
2016-11-29 Daily Xml


Bi-National French-Australian School

220 Mr GARDNER (Morialta) (9 August 2016). With respect to the 2016-17 State Budget—Budget Paper 4, volume 2, page 23: Targets identifies the government's plan to introduce a new bi-national French-Australian school. Is that school going to receive the same level of support as the Chinese school?

The Hon. S.E. CLOSE (Port Adelaide—Minister for Education and Child Development, Minister for Higher Education and Skills): I have been advised:

The 2 schools selected to deliver the French binational stream, Highgate School and Unley High School, will receive support which is tailored to their specific circumstances.

The department is working closely with the principals of each school to determine the necessary support. The initial scope includes:

A coordinator to oversee the programs at both schools.

Release time for teachers to prepare the binational and daily lesson programs.

Professional learning activities for staff.

Additional administration support.

Funding for any necessary classroom refurbishments and ICT upgrades required to successfully run the programs.

Funding for the purchase of resources required to successfully teach the programs.

The department is working with the principals to establish the longer term needs required to successfully sustain the program.