House of Assembly - Fifty-Third Parliament, Second Session (53-2)
2016-02-23 Daily Xml


Ministerial Staff

The Hon. T.R. KENYON (Newland) (15:17): Does the Premier have any further information about the email raised earlier in question time?

The Hon. J.W. WEATHERILL (Cheltenham—Premier) (15:17): I am not sure if I have the same email. If I have the same email that is in front of the Deputy Leader of the Opposition, I think it is addressed to a member of the business community and it says this:

Just saw the transcript of your interview on FIVEaa and claims there is an 'absolute absence of a holistic transport plan'. Simply not true and I draw to your attention [a website address that has the transport plan]. In addition, during the development of this plan we conducted extensive consultation across the state with more than 2,500 people attending engagement events and meetings. Almost 1,500 submissions were received from councils, local government and development bodies, key industry organisations, community groups and members of the public. It is a shame we cannot have a debate on transport policy based on facts. Kind regards [Chief of Staff].

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: The member for Unley is called to order.

The Hon. J.W. WEATHERILL: What distinguishes this communication is its courteousness; it is firm but courteous, just as I expect from members of my staff and members of my ministry, and indeed members of the parliament on this side.

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: The member for Unley is warned.

The Hon. J.W. WEATHERILL: It did not even scale—

The Hon. J.M. Rankine interjecting:

The SPEAKER: The member for Wright is warned for the second and final time.

The Hon. J.W. WEATHERILL: —the heights of conversational swearing.

Ms Chapman interjecting:

The Hon. J.W. WEATHERILL: The Deputy Leader of the Opposition, when she is left alone in the home by herself, given the keys, has driven the opposition into the ditch.