House of Assembly - Fifty-Third Parliament, Second Session (53-2)
2017-11-14 Daily Xml



Mr VAN HOLST PELLEKAAN (Stuart) (14:53): My question is for the Minister for Energy. Why has the minister not advised the public that, under all three operational scenarios modelled for the government, diesel generators failed with regard to residential emissions standards? Vipac Engineers produced a report—temporary generator air quality assessment report—provided to the government on 5 December, which modelled three operating scenarios, and the generators failed residential emissions standards on all three of those scenarios modelled.

The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS (West Torrens—Treasurer, Minister for Finance, Minister for State Development, Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy) (14:53): The member is quoting a report on testing of generators in December. September or December?

Mr van Holst Pellekaan: The report was provided to you in September.

The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: September. The advice I have is that the generators that will be operating at the two sites, even while they are operating on diesel, can have lower emissions than Torrens Island. If the opposition is saying what I think they are saying, that any generator that breaches these conditions should not operate, I had better call AGL about Torrens Island.

Mr van Holst Pellekaan interjecting:

The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: Now the prevarication again. This is a bit like when they said that their energy plan would save $300 when it was actually only $70, in two elections' time. Is the opposition really saying to us that on the basis of these reports, we should not operate these generators? Are they really saying to us that these generators should not be used in summer periods? Should we put out a notice that the opposition don't believe these generators should be operating?

I will check on the report and the veracity of what the shadow energy minister has made, and I will check, but it is my understanding—and I stand to be corrected—that our diesel generators, our gas-fired generators, our aeroderivative turbines are the most efficient available on the market. If that is the case, and the member has evidence to the contrary, that these generators breach emission conditions for other generators operating in the National Electricity Market, that would be a very interesting hypothesis that the shadow minister is putting, and I will check and get back to the house.