House of Assembly - Fifty-Third Parliament, Second Session (53-2)
2015-07-30 Daily Xml


State Government Concessions

Mr GEE (Napier) (14:50): My question is to the Minister for Communities and Social Inclusion. Minister, can you provide an update on the implementation of the government's new cost-of-living concession?

The Hon. Z.L. BETTISON (Ramsay—Minister for Communities and Social Inclusion, Minister for Social Housing, Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Minister for Ageing, Minister for Youth, Minister for Volunteers) (14:50): I thank the member for the question and his ongoing interest in the government's efforts to support pensioners and low income earners with their everyday expenses. In May this year, the Premier announced the government's new cost-of-living concession. Around 170,000 home owners will benefit from an increase of $10 per year, from $190 each year to $200.

The Hon. A. Koutsantonis: Hear, hear!

The SPEAKER: Self-praise is no praise and the Treasurer is warned.

The Hon. Z.L. BETTISON: For those home owners who previously received the council rate concession, I can advise the house there is no need for them to do anything. Households will automatically receive a cheque through the mail in September this year.

Our government has also expanded eligibility for this new concession, meaning around 45,000 tenants will benefit by an extra $100 each year in the household budget. For those tenants, applications for the new concession opened on 1 July 2015, and I am pleased to advise the house that, as of this morning, we have received more than 2,700 online applications and more than 14,100 hard copy applications. In order to receive the new concessions in 2015-16, eligible tenants will need to apply by 31 October 2015, with payments being made by EFT in February 2016.

In order to ensure that the estimated 205,000 eligible concession recipients are engaged, we have used a range of communication methods, including direct mail, media releases and newsletters, as well as specific promotional material packages. We have also ensured that letters to tenants have been translated into various languages, including Vietnamese, Cambodian, Italian and Arabic, to make this information as accessible as possible.

Can I take this opportunity to remind all members to encourage eligible tenants to apply for the new concession, either online at or by completing a hard copy application form and returning it to the Department for Communities and Social Inclusion or by calling the concessions hotline on 1800 307 758. Our government is committed to ensuring that South Australia remains an affordable place to live, and the new cost-of-living concession is an important part of this.

Let me just say that, when people ring up, we are talking to them about other concessions that they are entitled to and making sure that we have the opportunity to ensure they are also getting energy concessions and water concessions and finding out whether they might be eligible for the spectacle scheme or low-cost transport.