House of Assembly - Fifty-Third Parliament, Second Session (53-2)
2016-10-19 Daily Xml


Public Works Committee: Christie Downs Primary School and DIsability Unit Redevelopment

Ms DIGANCE (Elder) (11:46): I move:

That the 552nd report of the committee, entitled Christie Downs Primary School and Disability Unit Redevelopment, be noted.

There is a need to improve the educational accommodation at Christie Downs Primary School and avoid the escalating and ongoing cost of maintaining its buildings. In addition, the campus also needs to be upgraded to meet current disability access requirements. The aim of this project is to provide modern, efficient and functional areas that will allow the delivery of primary education to the Christie Downs community. The project includes:

the demolition of security enclosures and fencing no longer required;

the establishment of visual, tactile and sensory landscaping, and appropriate and modern secure outdoor learning areas;

construction of a new general learning area pod located adjacent to existing buildingĀ 1;

a new secure covered walkway between the new pod and existing building 1;

a new covered drop-off and pick-up canopy adjacent to the new pod and building 1, with part extension of the driveway; and

extension of the school's local area network for computing and the telephone communication lines.

The cost of this project is $4 million (GST exclusive). This includes information and communication technology expenditure of $39,000. Construction works are due to commence in December this year to take advantage of the school summer break, with completion by the end of 2017. Due to the straightforward nature of the project and details contained in the submission from the Department for Education and Child Development, the committee determined not to hear oral evidence on the matter and instead approved it without witnesses. Given this, and pursuant to section 12C of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1991, the Public Works Committee reports to parliament that it recommends the proposed public works.

Mr PENGILLY (Finniss) (11:48): The opposition supports the report.

Ms DIGANCE (Elder) (11:48): Thank you for the bipartisan support. I recommend the project.

Motion carried.