House of Assembly - Fifty-Third Parliament, Second Session (53-2)
2015-11-17 Daily Xml


Job Creation

Mr MARSHALL (Dunstan—Leader of the Opposition) (14:37): My supplementary is to the Premier. Does the Premier agree that South Australia's economy needs an urgent stimulus to restore economic confidence and to create urgently needed jobs?

The Hon. J.W. WEATHERILL (Cheltenham—Premier) (14:38): I address that question by telling the house about some recent good news on the jobs front. Yesterday I joined with the federal Minister for Industry, the Hon. Christopher Pyne, in opening HP Enterprises' new Adelaide offices, expanding their workforce by 430 jobs. In the last few weeks we have heard some other positive job news. I know those opposite are not too keen on hearing these things but I think it is important to put the context to this important jobs question.

According to developers, up to 2,000 new jobs will be created as a result of the new housing tourism venture in Wallaroo. Up to 1,000 new jobs will be created as a result of the next phase of the Bowden housing development. Around 230 new jobs will be created when Qatar Airways begins its daily flights into Adelaide next year. About 100 new jobs will be created from the local production of the Wolf Creek TV series. About 50 new jobs will be created in the $11 million expansion of the Lenswood apple facility in the Adelaide Hills, and up to 75 advanced manufacturing jobs at water management technology company Micromet. Plus we have seen those iconic symbols of South Australia which have been stalled for many years—decades, indeed—which will now get a start under this government, the Le Cornu site and also the Festival Centre Plaza—great previous symbols of inactivity which we have unlocked here in South Australia.

Can I say that we do accept that the economic circumstances that we face here in South Australia require us to accelerate the plans that we already have. We have a cogent economic plan for the future of South Australia. We have 10 economic priorities. You can look it up on the website, it's there. What we need to do is to accelerate that plan, to take steps to accelerate the steps that we have already taken and ensure that we grow those growing sectors of the economy more quickly than those declining sectors of the South Australian economy.

Mr MARSHALL: Supplementary, sir.

The SPEAKER: I call to order the members for Hartley, Morialta and the leader. I warn for the first time the members for Mount Gambier and Mitchell. To those who were calling time and clinking glasses, the Premier was only two minutes into his answer, because although the computer timing system failed, the Crvena Zvezda stopwatch did not. The leader.