House of Assembly - Fifty-Third Parliament, Second Session (53-2)
2017-08-02 Daily Xml


Parliamentary Procedure

Sittings and Business

The Hon. J.W. WEATHERILL (Cheltenham—Premier) (14:06): I give notice that on Thursday 3 August 2017 I will move:

That this house calls on Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to stand up to protect the integrity of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan and honour his commitment to delivering the plan on time and in full by:

(a) commissioning a fully independent judicial inquiry into the allegation raised on Four Corners to ensure the integrity of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan;

(b) putting the river and all those who rely on it ahead of the profits of a minority of large landholders in New South Wales; and

(c) complying with the legislative requirement to appoint independent experts to the Murray-Darling Basin Authority.

Mr GARDNER: I wish to move that standing orders be so far suspended as to allow the Premier's motion to take its place on the Notice Paper for tomorrow, despite the fact that he did not give notice when you called for notices of motion by private members.

The SPEAKER: Would it not just be government business that goes on the green? I do understand the opposition's familiarity with private members' time, but it is not private members' time.

Mr GARDNER: Usually you give us notice of things going on government business. We assumed that that was the case.