House of Assembly - Fifty-Third Parliament, Second Session (53-2)
2015-11-18 Daily Xml



In reply to Mr PISONI (Unley) (24 July 2015). (Estimates Committee B)

The Hon. S.E. CLOSE (Port Adelaide—Minister for Education and Child Development, Minister for the Public Sector): I have been advised of the following:

The latest available data on teachers broken down into primary and secondary categories is August 2014.

As at August 2014, there were 8,042 government primary school teachers/leaders and 5,097 secondary school teachers/leaders.

The data includes teachers and leaders who were actively employed in government schools or sites attached to schools and spend the majority of their time in contact with children/students and have teaching duties. Also includes leadership positions but excludes teachers/leaders on four or more weeks leave and temporary relieving teachers.

Teachers are paid the salary rate agreed to in the South Australia School and Preschool Education Staff Enterprise Agreement 2012.

Below is a table containing the number of teachers/leaders, as at August 2014, broken down by classification and salary step.

Salary range of teachers and leaders located in schools sites or sites attached to schools as at August 2014
Classification description Salary step Total
Advanced Skills Teacher Level 2 1 331
Deputy Principal—Band B-1 and Band B-2 1 118
Deputy Principal Band B-3 1 64
Deputy Principal Band B-4 1 58
Deputy Principal Band B-5 1 20
Deputy Principal Band B-6 1 17
Highly Accomplished Teacher 1 34
Hourly Paid Instructor Class 2 and 3 1 64
Hourly Paid Instructor Class 4 1 54
Lead Teacher—School 1 17
Leader Band B-0 1 6
Leader Band B-1 and Permanent Relieving Leader 1 1029
Leader Band B-2 1 208
Leader Band B-3 1 309
Leader Band B-4 1 15
Leader Band B-5 and B-6 1 24
Permanent Relieving Teacher 1 4
Permanent Relieving Teacher 2 3
Permanent Relieving Teacher 3 1
Permanent Relieving Teacher 4 1
Permanent Relieving Teacher 5 5
Permanent Relieving Teacher 6 1
Permanent Relieving Teacher 7 3
Permanent Relieving Teacher 8 19
Permanent Relieving Teacher 9 33
Principal Band A-1 1 13
Principal Band A-2 1 120
Principal Band A-3 and Permanent Relieving Principal 1 139
Principal Band A-4 1 94
Principal Band A-5 1 88
Principal Band A-6 1 54
Principal Band A-7 1 27
Principal Band A-8 1 17
Principal Band A-9 1 21
Seconded Teacher Level 2 1 3
Senior Teacher Band B-1 and Senior 1 46
Teacher and Itinerant teacher 1 777
Teacher and Itinerant teacher 2 679
Teacher and Itinerant teacher 3 646
Teacher and Itinerant teacher 4 515
Teacher and Itinerant teacher 5 462
Teacher and Itinerant teacher 6 393
Teacher and Itinerant teacher 7 360
Teacher and Itinerant teacher 8 1874
Teacher and Itinerant teacher 9 4308
Teacher and Itinerant teacher NOM 65