House of Assembly - Fifty-Third Parliament, Second Session (53-2)
2015-09-08 Daily Xml


China-Australia Free Trade Agreement

Mr WHETSTONE (Chaffey) (14:49): My question is to the Premier. Have you been approached by any officials from the CFMEU, or any other union, to discuss your support for the China free trade agreement?

The Hon. J.W. WEATHERILL (Cheltenham—Premier) (14:49): No, I do not think I have, although I did have a rather pleasant 20th celebration of the establishment of Lieschke & Weatherill Lawyers on Friday night, and I think I am prepared to accept that in the crowd there may have been—wait for it—officials from the trade union movement. I cannot warrant whether some of them may have been officials of the CFMEU. We do associate from time to time in this Labor Party with people who are known to represent the interests of working people. As shocking as that might seem to those opposite, that does actually happen from time to time, but no, I do not think the question of the free trade agreement was raised. I think some thanks were expressed for the drinks and hospitality—not that I paid for it. I was very happy to be there enjoying it. It was a lovely evening, but no, I think, is the answer to your question.

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: Before the member for Chaffey asks a supplementary question, I call to order the members for Newland and Unley, and the Treasurer.