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Estimates Replies
Consultants and Contractors
In reply to Mr WHETSTONE (Chaffey) (5 July 2023). (Estimates Committee B)
The Hon. N.D. CHAMPION (Taylor—Minister for Trade and Investment, Minister for Housing and Urban Development, Minister for Planning): I have been advised that for the Department for Trade and Investment:
The estimated total cost for engagement of consultants and contractors in 2023-24 is $3.1 million. Final data and contracts for the year will be published in the Department for Trade and Investment 2023-24 annual report.
The following is a summary of external consultants that have been engaged as at 1 August 2023 at a total estimated cost above $10,000, the nature of work undertaken, and the estimated cost for 2023-24.
Consultancies | Purpose | Total Estimated Cost(GST exc) |
Tony Love | Promotion of and attendance at events for the South Australian wine sector. | $13 636 |
Martin Haese, Infinity Ventures | Special Envoy to Singapore | $80 000 |
PSA Consulting Australia | Services for the Regional Plans delivery project steering committee | $90 273 |
The following is a summary of external contractors that have been engaged as at 1 August 2023 at a total estimated cost above $10,000, the nature of work undertaken, and the estimated cost for 2023-24.
Contractors | Purpose | Total Estimated Cost (GST exc) |
BDO | Financial Advisory | $90 000 |
BDO Advisory | Internal Risk and Compliance | $131 500 |
KM IT Solutions | IT support for the Office of the Agent-General, London | Commercial in Confidence |
Satalyst | ICT Third Level Escalation Support | Commercial in Confidence |