House of Assembly: Tuesday, August 29, 2023


Brand South Australia

In reply to Mr WHETSTONE (Chaffey) (5 July 2023). (Estimates Committee B)

The Hon. N.D. CHAMPION (Taylor—Minister for Trade and Investment, Minister for Housing and Urban Development, Minister for Planning): I have been advised:

Since re-establishment in November 2022, Brand SA has run multiple initiatives, including campaigns, events and promotions. Its approach to campaigns has predominantly been via partnerships with South Australian organisations that can help amplify the message:

In December 2022, Brand SA launched the 'Spend Your Support' campaign, in partnership with Shop Local SA. This campaign aimed to support flood-affected Riverland businesses, providing them with an online platform (via Shop Local SA) where they could continue trading, expand their sales channels and reach a broader range of South Australian customers.

Between 8 December 2022 and 10 March 2023, via a grant to Shop Local SA, Brand SA funded the set-up and onboarding costs of 69 businesses in flood-affected regions.

Brand SA also led a consumer-facing campaign across radio and digital channels, with a message to South Australians that the best way to send support to flood-affected regions was to spend it.

The campaign resulted in increased awareness, web traffic and visitation of Murray River businesses, and importantly helped these businesses feel supported. The website attracted over 30,000 visitors.

In March 2023's festival season, Brand SA entered a partnership with local event, Gluttony. The partnership extended the Spend Your Support campaign, facilitating ranging of Riverland products in Gluttony's local bar throughout the Adelaide Fringe. This ensured Riverland producers benefitted from increased awareness and sales. One-third of all sales at that bar were Riverland beverages not otherwise available as part of the festival.

Brand SA has partnered with Food SA to deliver a series of activities both locally and interstate to promote South Australia's produce and food producers.

The partnership has incorporated an interstate focus, including:

i. a spotlight on South Australian seafood in Sydney in the lead-up to Christmas

ii. in March 2023, an event was held in Sydney showcasing South Australian produce to Sydney food service decision-makers; and

iii. a weekend promotion in a Sydney Romeos supermarket, including tastings, giveaways and special pricing on South Australian products.

Locally, Brand SA worked with Food SA to relaunch the Eat Drink Local SA program in April 2023. This program promotes South Australian produce in restaurants / food service.

Brand SA have also contributed to the promotion of state sporting achievements and major events, promoting the state both interstate and internationally.

i. While on the international stage, Brand SA supported the Adelaide 36ers who proudly wore the logo on their uniform in their historic victory against the Suns in Phoenix, Arizona.

ii. Partnered with Business SA for the AFL Gather Round official business lunch, driving the visibility of the state brand. With each guest receiving a selection of South Australian products and vouchers.

Brand SA has managed an ongoing social media campaign with objectives to rebuild its audience, build awareness of its return and drive engagement with local business and community.

Brand SA has dedicated significant effort towards the development of its major upcoming 'Buy Local' campaign, as part of the election commitment. Market research has been conducted and a campaign concept has been developed with production now underway.