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The Hon. J.A.W. GARDNER (Morialta—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (14:37): Supplementary: in relation to the minister's comment that no child will be turned away, is the minister aware of schools that have provided information to parents that OSHC facilities will be available on Friday only at cost to the parents and potentially with caps on numbers?
The Hon. B.I. BOYER (Wright—Minister for Education, Training and Skills) (14:38): I thank the member for Morialta for the question. No, I am not, but if you have any information like that I would very much like to see it. It hasn't been provided to me yet, and that is not the information or assurances that have been provided to the South Australian community either by me or by the chief executive.
Of course, it is our ambition under what are difficult circumstances for us, given the short period of time that we have been left with here to make other plans, that we can offer a no-cost solution. It may not be a full school program, although I am aware already of a couple of school communities that have been told that they will not be impacted and they will be running a full school program on Friday. I'm not aware of any sites that have said that if it is OSHC it will not be provided free of cost and that a payment needs to be made.
I would be very keen to receive any information from members of this place that might pertain to the point the member for Morialta is making and talk to the department about what we can do to make sure there is no cost barrier for families, who have already been put out by virtue of the fact that there may not be a regular school day, to make sure they can at least have accommodation at the school for their kids and have no disruption to their work commitments.