House of Assembly: Tuesday, August 29, 2023


Marion Road-Sir Donald Bradman Drive Intersection

The Hon. V.A. TARZIA (Hartley) (14:53): My question is to the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport. Has the design of the Marion Road and Sir Donald Bradman Drive intersection upgrade project been changed and, if so, why has it been changed?

The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS (West Torrens—Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Minister for Energy and Mining) (14:53): I think it has been changed and it has been changed because we don't design infrastructure politically: we design infrastructure on the basis of good design for usability. If the shadow minister is concerned about one particular corner of that intersection—

Members interjecting:

The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: I sense that members opposite are worried about one corner in particular. I can assure the shadow—I can assure my young friend that I have met with Ms Boileau and we hit it off like a house on fire. We share similar stories.

Members interjecting:

The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: I am helping him out. I know that she is very concerned about losing that site, and it is unfortunate. But I act on the advice of my agency; I don't interfere.

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: Order!

The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: I don't like having to take any properties off anyone, especially off hardworking migrants who've got a great story to tell. Members opposite might not know this, but I grew up in Cowandilla. I grew up up the road at Augusta Street, which is up the road. I know that area exceptionally well. I know that area quite well, as a young lad growing up there. The Boileau family have done exceptionally well there—Boileau? Have I mispronounced it, sorry? I am very sad that we have to acquire that property, but the design is the design.

The real question is: why was the initial design designed to avoid particular types of properties? I'm sure that members opposite would not intimate any political interference by the previous government. I act on the advice of the Commissioner of Highways and my independent designers. They tell me the best connectivity and design options and I accept that. I don't intervene.