Estimates Committee A - Answers to Questions: Friday, July 04, 2008



In reply to Mr PENGILLY (Finniss) (2 July 2008).

The Hon. G.E. GAGO (Minister for State/Local Government Relations, Minister for the Status of Women, Minister for Consumer Affairs, Minister for Government Enterprises, Minister Assisting the Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Energy): I am advised:

Minister for State/Local Government Relations

Department/Agency Position Title Classification TEC Cost
PIRSA (Department of Primary Industries and Resources SA) Principal Policy Officer ASO7 $89,627
Total $89,627

The appropriate Ministers will provide separate responses for their portions of PIRSA.

Minister for the Status of Women

Minister for Consumer Affairs

For the following business units of the Attorney-General's Department that fall within my ministerial responsibility:

Office of Consumer and Business Affairs;

Office of the Liquor and Gambling Commission; and

Office for Women;

There were no surplus employees at 30 June 2008.