Estimates Replies
In reply to Mr GRIFFITHS (Goyder) (1 July 2008).
The Hon. K.A. MAYWALD (Chaffey—Minister for the River Murray, Minister for Water Security): I am advised that the purpose of the study is to research, assess and quantify the implications and effects of the upgrade and expansion, and to develop a business case that includes detailed modelling, a cost/benefit analysis and a risk and sensitivity analysis of the proposed investment.
The Eyre Regional Development Board advises that an assessment of tenders has been completed and Meyrick has been selected as lead consultants with Econ Search to provide support. The consultants have been engaged for six weeks and have undertaken consultation with the key industry groups and corporate companies. They have also met with a nominated group of farmers in the far west region on two occasions. At present the consultants are focused on the economic and social impact statement, and once completed they will start formalising the framework for the business case.