Estimates Committee A - Answers to Questions: Friday, July 04, 2008



In reply to Mr HAMILTON-SMITH (Waite—Leader of the Opposition) (25 June 2008).

The Hon. M.D. RANN (Ramsay—Premier, Minister for Economic Development, Minister for Social Inclusion, Minister for the Arts, Minister for Sustainability and Climate Change): I have been advised of the following information:

The following response does not contain information pertaining to the Auditor-General's Department.

Surplus Employees as at 30 June 2008

As at 30 June 2008 there were 25 excess employees within the Premier's portfolio.

Division/Agency Position Title Classification TEC
SA Museum Shop Assistant, Art Museum ASO2 $0
Artlab Community Services Officer ASO3 $11,950
Art Gallery SA Bookings M/ship Officer ASO2 $22,475
Public Library Services Librarian PO1 $71,183
Public Library Services User Support Officer ASO2 $50,639
Public Library Services Subsidies Officer ASO3 $54,518
Public Library Services Library Assistant ASO2 $48,778
Public Library Services Selector/Cataloger PO1 $62,229
Public Library Services Selector/ Cataloger PO1 $8,140
Public Library Services Snr Library Technician ASO3 $52,923
Public Library Services IT Mgr Computer Services ASO6 $79,759
Public Library Services Registry Clerks ASO2 $45,912
Public Library Services Circulation Officer ASO1 $41,235
Public Library Services Acquisition Supervisor ASO3 $54,022
Public Library Services Mgr Technical Services PO3 $81,582
Sub total $685,345
Services Division Assistant HR Consultant ASO3 $20,449
Services Division Snr Consultant ASO8 $96,440
Sub total $116,889
Ex OCPE Administrative Officer ASO2 $27,219
Ex OCPE Snr Consultant ASO5 $8,335
Ex OCPE Principal Consultant ASO8 $109,411
Sub total $144,965
PSWD—Ex OPE Principal Consultant Wkforce Reform AS07 $59,171
PSWD—Ex OPE Snr Project Officer Workforce Perf ASO5 $72,628
PSWD—Ex OPE Principal Consultant Wkforce Performance ASO7 $0
Sub total $131,799
SEMO Snr Project Officer ASO6 $91,461
Sub total $91,461
Sustainability & Climate Change Office Project Officer ASO3 $20,204
Sub total $20,204
Total $1,190,663

Surplus Employees as at 30 June 2008

As at 30 June 2008 there were two excess employees within Minister Weatherill's Portfolio.

Division/Agency Position Title Classification TEC
Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation Division Project Officer ASO3 $61,469
Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation Division Snr Project Officer ASO7 $90,636
Total $152,105