Estimates Replies
In reply to Dr McFETRIDGE (Morphett) (26 June 2008).
The Hon. K.O. FOLEY (Port Adelaide—Deputy Premier, Treasurer, Minister for Industry and Trade, Minister for Federal/State Relations): The Department of Trade and Economic Development has advised that it engaged the services of the following consultants under the economic strategy and policy development program during 2007-08 and all costs are interim only as the department is still finalising its accounts:
The following consultancies were engaged via a single source process:
MMK Consulting was engaged to undertake a two-stage analysis of the KPMG competitive alternatives results to help inform strategies to improve Adelaide's business cost competitiveness. A report has been submitted and the cost of the consultancy is $10,000.
CT Communications was engaged to undertake web editing and advisory services in relation to the project to build business capability in workforce development. A report has been submitted and the cost of the consultancy is $3,960.
Robert Taylor and Associates was engaged to investigate the emerging economic opportunities for Science Park and southern Adelaide. A report has been submitted and the cost of the consultancy is $27,727.
TXR Technologies was engaged to offer expert advice and provide a formal report for the department's innovation statement and development of a business strategy identifying future directions. A report has been submitted and the cost of the consultancy is $21,120.
SA Centre for Economic Studies was engaged to report on SA productivity estimates for 2006-07. A report has been submitted and the cost of the consultancy is $3,065.
University of SA was engaged to gather, analyse and report on the performance of small-medium enterprises in Adelaide. A report has been submitted and the cost of the consultancy is $10,000.
Economic Research Consultants was engaged to provide project assessment services as part of the innovation and investment fund of South Australia. A report has been submitted and the cost of the consultancy is $6,000.
Ethos was engaged to facilitate the establishment of a planning process for the future direction and development of the economic analysis and planning division. A report has been submitted and the cost of the consultancy is $3,500.
Enterprising Partnerships Pty Ltd was engaged to advise and document a framework for DTED in preparation for a visit by Mr Petri Kalliokoski (vice-president of innovation at VTT Tech Research Centre of Finland). A report has not been submitted as the consultancy involved bringing to Adelaide this world renowned innovation expert and arranging forums with key personnel only. The cost of the consultancy is $5,219.
Intellectual Capital Services Ltd was engaged to develop a business model for an economic analysis and planning innovation strategy process. A report has been submitted and the cost of the consultancy is $20,000.
Dr Michael Keating was engaged to be the lead reviewer of a report commissioned by the Economic Development Board to review South Australia's skills and workforce development system. The review considered the capacity and capability of SA's workforce to respond to anticipated economic opportunities. A report has been submitted and the cost of the consultancy is $30,068.
GHD Pty Ltd was engaged to review and develop a SA development code aimed at identifying deficiencies in the current SA market and increasing the state's competitiveness internationally. A report has been submitted and the cost of the consultancy is $65,529.
Botten Levinson was engaged to prepare a report for SA planning and development review identifying compliance, non-compliance and exemption in relation to attainment of states strategic objectives. A report has been submitted and the cost of the consultancy is $8,235.
KPMG was engaged to report on requirements for undertaking a SA planning and development review. A report has been submitted and the cost of the consultancy is $165,046.
National Strategic Services was engaged to assess cost of compliance for business to meet SA government policy directions. A report has been submitted and the cost of the consultancy is $1,908.
The following consultancies were engaged via a multiple quote process:
Access Economics was engaged to perform an economic evaluation of the impact on skills and occupational demands arising from SA's major projects. A draft report has been provided. The cost of the consultancy is $48,825.
Hudson Howells was engaged to prepare a strategic economic development study for the Clipsal site at Bowden. A report has been submitted and the cost of the consultancy is $24,600.
Lizard Drinking was engaged to prepare a bioscience and advance technology industry business case. A report has been submitted and the cost of the consultancy is $41,550.
Strategon Capital Pty Ltd was engaged for the design of all materials required for a program of workshops and their delivery as a pilot of two groups of SME's. A report has been submitted and the cost of the consultancy is $48,100.
The following consultancies were engaged via an open tender process:
Connor Holmes Consulting Pty Ltd was engaged to develop a strategic development plan for the Greater Edinburgh Parks area. A report has been submitted by Connor Holmes Consulting Pty Ltd. The cost of the consultancy is $110,000.
The following consultancies were engaged from a whole of government panel:
Avoka Technologies was engaged to develop a business case and roadmap for a staged implementation of an integrated online solution for administering state government licences, permits and other approvals. A report has been submitted and the cost of the consultancy is $102,066.