Estimates Replies
In reply to Dr McFETRIDGE (Morphett) (26 June 2008).
The Hon. K.O. FOLEY (Port Adelaide—Deputy Premier, Treasurer, Minister for Industry and Trade, Minister for Federal/State Relations): I have been provided the following information:
The Market Access Program (MAP) has assisted nearly 300 South Australian businesses in 2007-08 to develop export markets.
The budget for this program for 2007-08 was $1 million.
The TradeStart program, jointly funded by the federal and state government has, in 2007-08, assisted nearly 50 new South Australian exporters to achieve more than $8 million in export sales.
The net cost of this program for 2007-08 was $164,000.
The South Australian Government has commercial offices in strategic overseas markets such as China, the European Union, the Middle East, India, Hong Kong and Singapore, providing on-ground support and market intelligence for the state’s exporters.
Overseas commercial offices deliver trade outcomes by facilitating strategic relationships with foreign governments and business entities; identifying and developing export opportunities for South Australian exporters; promoting South Australia as an investment, education and migration destination.
In total the overseas network has facilitated nearly $170 million in exports during 2007-08.
The cost of the commercial offices for 2007-08 was $2.6 million.
In addition, the government sponsored International Business Week informing exporters in metropolitan and regional South Australia of government export programs, trade policies and export opportunities.
The cost of participating in International Business Week for 2007-08 was $10,000.