Estimates Replies
In reply to Mr GRIFFITHS (Goyder) (25 June 2008).
The Hon. K.O. FOLEY (Port Adelaide—Deputy Premier, Treasurer, Minister for Industry and Trade, Minister for Federal/State Relations): I have been provided the following information:
The Motor Accident Commission's 2007-08 sponsorship program supports efforts to reduce the incidence and impact of road crashes (and the resultant injuries) on South Australian roads. In addition, sponsorship funding is also directed to rehabilitation and research initiatives to accelerate recovery for road crash victims and improve their quality of life.
The sponsorship commitment for 2007-08 was $2,459,000. There were around 40Â sponsorships that commenced or were implemented during 2007-08. These included:
19 Community road safety group project grants across the state, supporting local communities;
Schoolies festival and Barossa schoolies bus services catering for more than 20,000 school leavers;
The SA Police road safety education program in more than 700 schools and support for the traffic training and promotions unit in the community;
The good sports program in regional SA, which is now operating in more than 140 country sport clubs;
Free public transport for Clipsal 500 ticket holders;
Free new year's eve transport for South Australians in Adelaide as well as bus services in Victor Harbor and Goolwa;
Adelaide's after midnight Saturday bus service;
An interactive road safety display at the National Motor Museum in Birdwood;
Riverland Youth Theatre's youth-for-youth production, Hoons;
The Adelaide Bank festival of arts Persian Garden road safety promotions;
Australasian College of Road Safety lunchtime seminars;
TRACsa research program to improve the treatment, recovery and quality of life for road crash victims;
Centre for Automotive Safety research into the causes of road crashes.