Estimates Replies
In reply to Dr McFETRIDGE (Morphett) (26 June 2008).
The Hon. K.O. FOLEY (Port Adelaide—Deputy Premier, Treasurer, Minister for Industry and Trade, Minister for Federal/State Relations): I have been provided the following information:
The attached table outlines the current status of the case managed projects requested, what has been provided to each of these projects to date, and when the projects are likely to commence or be completed.
Project | Current Status | Provide to Date | Commencement/Completion Date |
Buckland Park Country Township | The development application was lodged on 25 May 2008.The application is following usual steps including development of the EIS and public consultation.Relevant agencies have been formally briefed by the proponents. | No funding has been provided to date.Project facilitation assistance only. | The approval process is expected to be completed in early 2010.The development of the township will last up to 25 years, depending on sales uptake, etc. |
Langhorne Creek Water Security | Project implementation plan has been finalised. | A total of $250,000 in the form of a $125,000 interest free loan and $125,000 grant. | Commencement approx July/August 2008 and around 12 months to complete. |
Port Lincoln Marina & Housing | Developer is reassessing proposal. | No funding has been provided to date.Project facilitation assistance only. | The proponent has not advised of a project commencement or completion date. |
Two Wells Glasshouse | Project Completed. | Case Management support during development assessment phase.$500,000 grant from Regional Development Infrastructure Fund (RDIF). | Completed—officially opened 29 November 2007. |
Wakefield Waters | Major development application proceeding. | No funding has been provided to date.Project facilitation assistance only. | The proponent has not advised of a commencement or completion date. |
Wallaroo Marina | The case management facilitation of the Marina development proposal is progressing. | No funding has been provided to date.Project facilitation assistance only. | The proponent has advised that the development is progressing. |
Carnegie CETO Wave Energy | The company is currently undertaking desktop analysis of the wave climate and infrastructure in South Australia to determine the locations for the test facility. | No funding has been provided to date.Project facilitation assistance only. | The proponent has not advised of the commencement or completion dates for the project. |
Toprun Wave Energy Test Plant | Feasibility assessment. | Case Manager appointed. | Unknown—subject to proponent. |