Estimates Replies
In reply to Ms CHAPMAN (Bragg—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (30 June 2008).
The Hon. J.M. RANKINE (Wright—Minister for Families and Communities, Minister for Northern Suburbs, Minister for Housing, Minister for Ageing, Minister for Disability): I am advised that the $38 million referred to by you in your question relates to budget pressures in Disability SA and Families SA in 2006-07. However, the $42 million referred to in budget paper 4, volume 3, page 10.10 relates to the budgeted increase in total operating expenditure for the Families and Communities Portfolio from the 2007-08 estimated result to the 2008-09 budget.
In response to your question in relation to 'savings being identified as reducing the government bail-out,' budget paper 4, volume 3, page 10.10 makes no reference to 'savings' or 'bail-out'. The budgeted increase in expenditure in the 2008-09 budget will be funded through additional commonwealth funding, expenditure of cash held by the department and additional funding from the government of $35.4 million.
The budgeted increase to the portfolio expenditure is expected in the following areas:
$19.5 million additional reimbursement of land taxes, income taxes and stamp duties paid by the South Australian Housing Trust under the tax equivalent regime;
$15.5 million increase in expenditure relating to carryovers for community housing program ($13.5 million) and crisis accommodation program ($2 million);
$8.1 million expenditure relating to commonwealth funding for disability supported accommodation and a budgeted $0.4 million increase in private rental assistance;
$10.1 million for additional Commonwealth State and Territory Disability Agreement expenditure;
$10 million additional expenditure relating to various children in care initiatives to address the growing demand for care placements as part of the reforms proposed in Keeping Them Safe—In Our Care; and
$2.4 million additional expenditure relating to implementing various initiatives in response to the recommendations outlined in the To Break the Cycle report.
Offset by:
Once-off receipts in 2007-08, including:
$5 million for disability equipment
$4 million for Foyer Accommodation at Port Adelaide
$2.8 million for Common Ground Limited at Port Augusta
$2 million for Novita Children’s Services
$1.6 million for Tregenza Avenue Aged Care
$1.3 million for Support Accommodation Demonstration project
$0.5 million for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander programs
$3.4 million additional funding for Affordable Housing Innovation Fund
$3.2 million reduction in expenditure relating to the savings measures announced in the 2008-09 budget.
The balance is due to the impact of indexation, enterprise bargaining outcomes and deferred expenditure.