Legislative Council - Fifty-Fourth Parliament, Second Session (54-2)
2020-02-19 Daily Xml


Parliament House wASTE Recycling

The Hon. M.C. PARNELL (15:16): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking you, sir, as President, in your capacity as chairperson of the Joint Parliamentary Service Committee, a question about recycling in Parliament House.

Leave granted.

The PRESIDENT: Just be careful, the Hon. Mr Parnell.

The Hon. M.C. PARNELL: For some time, I have been trying to work through official channels to get improvements to Parliament House's waste and recycling arrangements. As members would know, there is very little recycling undertaken in Parliament House outside of the paper collection bins and some facilities to collect old toner cartridges and batteries. Most of the waste generated in this building goes to landfill. That includes materials such as glass, metal, plastic and organics that we expect the rest of the community to recycle, but we don't do it here.

I first wrote to JPSC in 2008 suggesting an audit of waste and recycling, but nothing happened. After various informal attempts over the ensuing decade, I decided again last year to raise the issue more formally with JPSC. I wrote in March. I asked what was being done about recycling and I again suggested an audit. I received no reply to my letter, so I wrote again in May and then again in July, but still received no response from JPSC. So I gave the story to InDaily in the hope that it would encourage some movement.

I know from many conversations with staff in this building that people who work here are embarrassed and frustrated at how poorly our workplace performs. They say they can't say anything because they are too far down the food chain and they don't want to lose their jobs; however, I can speak out on their behalf. My question of the President is: will the President, as the current chairperson of the Joint Parliamentary Service Committee, arrange for a report to be prepared for members on current procedures for waste management and recycling within Parliament House, including steps that are being taken to improve current performance?

The PRESIDENT (15:18): I thank the honourable member for his question. The Hon. Mr Parnell, I am not actually the chair of the Joint Parliamentary Service Committee. It is referred back to the House of Assembly. I do know, as a member previously on the JPSC, that your issue is being pursued. Your issue has been actively pursued. There have been a number of issues that have come up along the way, but it has had serious consideration and is continuing. I will bring back a comprehensive answer hopefully by the next day of sitting or soon after.