House of Assembly - Fifty-Fourth Parliament, Second Session (54-2)
2021-12-01 Daily Xml



Holidays (Christmas Day) (No. 2) Amendment Bill


The Hon. D.C. VAN HOLST PELLEKAAN (Stuart—Deputy Premier, Minister for Energy and Mining) (10:35): I move:

That a message be sent to the Legislative Council granting a conference as requested by the council; and that the time and place for holding it be the Kingston Room at 4pm today; and that Mr Brown, Mr Szakacs, Mr Bell, the Hon. J.B. Teague and Mr Murray be the managers on the part of this house.

The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS (West Torrens) (10:35): I move an amendment to the motion:

That Mr Murray be replaced by the member for Florey, Ms Bedford.

Ayes 19

Noes 22

Majority 3

Bedford, F.E. Bettison, Z.L. Bignell, L.W.K.
Boyer, B.I. Brock, G.G. Brown, M.E. (teller)
Close, S.E. Cook, N.F. Hildyard, K.A.
Hughes, E.J. Koutsantonis, A. Malinauskas, P.
Michaels, A. Mullighan, S.C. Odenwalder, L.K.
Piccolo, A. Picton, C.J. Stinson, J.M.
Wortley, D.
Basham, D.K.B. Bell, T.S. Duluk, S.
Ellis, F.J. Gardner, J.A.W. Harvey, R.M. (teller)
Knoll, S.K. Luethen, P. Marshall, S.S.
McBride, N. Murray, S. Patterson, S.J.R.
Pisoni, D.G. Power, C. Sanderson, R.
Speirs, D.J. Tarzia, V.A. Teague, J.B.
Treloar, P.A. van Holst Pellekaan, D.C. Whetstone, T.J.
Wingard, C.L.
Gee, J.P. Pederick, A.S. Szakacs, J.K.
Cowdrey, M.J.