House of Assembly - Fifty-Fourth Parliament, Second Session (54-2)
2020-10-15 Daily Xml


Radiation Protection and Control Bill

Final Stages

The Legislative Council agreed to the bill with the amendments indicated by the following schedule, to which amendments the Legislative Council desires the concurrence of the House of Assembly.

No. 1. Clause 12, page 14, after line 7—

After subclause (7) insert:

(7a) Subject to subsection (7b), the Committee must publish the minutes of its meetings on a website determined by the Minister that is accessible by the public free of charge.

(7b) The Committee may omit, redact or delete, from minutes published under subsection (7a), any information that would make the minutes an exempt document under the Freedom of Information Act 1991.

No. 2. Clause 28, page 21, lines 15 to 18 [Clause 28(2) and (3)]— Delete subclauses (2) and (3)

No. 3 Clause 49, page 35, lines 30 and 31—Delete 'more stringent than the most stringent of all the limits, or'

No. 4.Clause 65, page 47, lines 17 and 18 [Clause 65(16)]—

Delete 'subsection (15), in determining whether to make any order in relation to costs' and substitute:

subsections (12), (13) and (15), in determining whether to make any order under those subsections

No.5. Clause 77, page 57, after line 9—After subclause (1) insert:

(1a) The Minister must ensure that information relating to the grant, renewal, variation, suspension, cancellation or revocation of any accreditation, authorisation, exemption or permit is entered on the register within 30 days after the grant, renewal, variation, suspension, cancellation or revocation takes effect.

No. 6. Clause 77, page 57, lines 13 to 17 [Clause 77(3) and (4)]—Delete subclauses (3) and (4) and substitute:

(3) Subject to subsection (5), the Minister must ensure that the register is kept publicly available for inspection without fee—

(a) on a web site determined by the Minister; and

(b) during ordinary office hours at a public office, or public offices, determined by the Minister.

(4) Subject to subsection (5), a member of the public may, on payment of the prescribed fee, obtain a copy of any part of the register.

No. 7. Clause 78, page 57, lines 28 to 30 [Clause 78(2)]—Delete subclause (2) and substitute:

(2) The Minister must ensure that a document adopted under this section is kept publicly available for inspection without fee—

(a) on a web site determined by the Minister; and

(b) during ordinary office hours at a public office, or public offices, determined by the Minister.