House of Assembly - Fifty-Fourth Parliament, Second Session (54-2)
2021-02-04 Daily Xml


COVID-19 Contact Tracing

Ms BEDFORD (Florey) (15:02): A supplementary question to the Attorney-General following on from her answer just given and her answer to my question yesterday about the security of COVID contact forms outside courts, supermarket shopping centres and other public places: I ask her under which part of which act is it an offence to photograph a COVID contact form?

The SPEAKER: I'm not sure it's a supplementary question.

Ms Bedford: I mentioned courts, sir.

The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN (Bragg—Deputy Premier, Attorney-General, Minister for Planning and Local Government) (15:02): I don't think it has ever been asserted that it's not an offence, if I read the double negative in that question. There is no question that there is an umbrella of law around the protections of the disclosure of information, with a fine of up to $5,000 for the disclosure of that information, other than the three circumstances I indicated yesterday. One, of course, is in the administration of the act, the second is with the consent of the party and the third is for use in a court or tribunal.

I can confirm for the member that I have made the inquiry of the police commissioner I think via the minister's office to ascertain whether anyone is being prosecuted in those matters. I indicated yesterday I would follow that up. I haven't had a response on that yet, but certainly that information will be made available.

It is unlawful to disclose any information, and if someone is seen photographing—which I think is what the member is referring to—because you had a constituent in that area who had apparently seen somebody photographing the sheet—that should be investigated by the police and referral made. I would encourage that to still occur if it hasn't already occurred.