House of Assembly - Fifty-Fourth Parliament, Second Session (54-2)
2021-06-23 Daily Xml


ePlanning System

In reply to Mr BELL (Mount Gambier) (10 June 2021).

The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN (Bragg—Deputy Premier, Attorney-General, Minister for Planning and Local Government): I have been advised that:

All development applications are now lodged and processed through the planning portal. This replaces what was largely a paper-based development application system lodged across 68 councils.

The online development application system includes a dashboard for applicants, as well as dashboards for relevant authorities. This allows both applicants and relevant authorities to keep track of applications.

Part of the new system includes clocks, which track the number of statutory days remaining in the application process.

I can confirm that the clocks are working, however the department has noted that for 5 to 10 per cent of applications that the clocks are disappearing on applicants' dashboards. The PlanSA service desk has fixed this issue to ensure applicants can keep track of their applications. The department is always looking to improve the system and will continue to refine the dashboards with users of the system.