House of Assembly - Fifty-Fourth Parliament, Second Session (54-2)
2021-02-03 Daily Xml


Goods and Services

In reply to Mr BOYER (Wright) (23 November 2020). (Estimates Committee B)

The Hon. J.A.W. GARDNER (Morialta—Minister for Education): I am advised of the following:

Department for Education

The department's approved supplies and services expenditure budget is as follows noting that the department has discretion in terms of allocating its funding depending on strategies approved.

20-21 21-22 22-23 23-24
$m's $m's $m's $m's
869.8 924.1 924.8 951.7

The top 10 providers of goods and services by value to each agency reporting to the minister for 2019-20.

A description of the goods and/or services provided by each of these top ten providers, and the cost to the agency for these goods and/or services.

Supplier Name Total Expenditure 2019-2020FY (GST Exclusive) Description of Goods and/or Services
Department for Infrastructure and Transport—Building Mgmt $139,645,205.51 Across Government Facilities Management Arrangements: Asset repairs and maintenance, facilities contract management fees, minor and major capital building works.
Telstra Corporation Ltd $29,035,820.20 Network and communication services (including mobile services, fixed line services and internet services) plus professional services related to the Schools with Internet Fibre Technology (SWiFT) project.
Building Management Acco. Prop $21,919,407.97 Building lease and accommodation services.
Zen Energy Retail Pty Ltd $21,726,132.45 Electricity utilities for all education sites.
SA Water Corp $17,926,195.23 Water utilities including rates and water charges for water supply and sewer for all education sites.
Austn Transit Enterprises Pty Ltd $7,437,224.99 Rural bus services.
Hays Specialist Recruitment $6,462,124.22 Recruitment services for temporary staff.
Civica Pty Ltd $6,091,378.30 Professional and implementation services for the Education Management System (EMS) project.
SAICORP $5,889,274.38 SA government agency insurance services.
Data 3 Ltd $5,667,552.62 Software licensing services primarily of the departmental Microsoft and Adobe agreements.
South Australia Police $5,024,184.01 Corporate and education site security services, alarm monitoring and additional security services.


DTF approved budget for TAFE SA 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25
$'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000
Supplies and services 64,120 56,913 52,924 50,907 48,448

The top 10 providers of supplies and services to TAFE SA by value for 2019-20, are listed in the table below, with the value invoiced per provider and description of the goods and services supplied to TAFE SA.

Provider Name Est. costs paid $'000 Description of the goods and/or services provided
Department for Innovation and Skills (DIS) 15,071 Recharges for campus infrastructure & related maintenance, minor works, ESL, utilities paid by DIS
Department for Infrastructure and Transport 9,719 Facility Management Contracts—Spotless
ISS Facility Services AUST LTD 6,286 Cleaning Services
SIMEC ZEN Energy Retail 5,519 Electricity Charges
MSS Security P/L 1,900 Security / Guard Services
SATAC 1,816 Student Application processing
HAYS Specialist Recruitment 1,426 Agency employment
SA Water Corp 1,330 Water charges
DATA 3 LTD 1,106 IT equipment and software purchases
Department of Treasury and Finance 920 Financial process services provided by Shared Services SA

SACE Board of South Australia

The budget for supplies and services across the forward estimates is:

2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25
$7.141m $6.611m $6.347m $6.020m $6.170m

The top 10 providers of goods and services excluding SA Government for 2019-20 were:

Supplier name Cost to the agency Description of goods and services
Sonet Systems Pty Ltd $0.634m Online exam software and hosting platform.
Paxus Australia Pty Ltd $0.620m Provision of labour to support service delivery, peak business cycles and project delivery.
Hays Specialist Recruitment $0.607m Provision of labour to support service delivery, peak business cycles and project delivery.
Talent International (SA) Pty Ltd $0.447m Provision of labour to support project delivery.
DXC Technology Australia Pty Ltd $0.238m DCSS management services, whole of government service provider
Modis $0.199m Provision of labour to support project delivery.
Objective Corporation Ltd $0.166m Provider of Electronic Direct Records Management Software.
Toll Transport Pty Ltd $0.141m Local and international courier services.
Dell Australia Pty Ltd $0.125m Provider of standard operating environment equipment.
QBT Pty Ltd $0.118m Whole of Government travel provider.

The SACE Board procurement framework aligns with the requirements of the South Australian Industry Participation Policy (IPP), aimed at delivering greater economic contribution to the state from procurement.

Sourcing of South Australian suppliers occurs where appropriate and available in accordance with procurement supplier evaluation processes. The Economic Contribution Test (ECT) is applied as required to relevant procurements.

Education Standards Board

Goods and services budget:

2020-21 - $1,874,000

2021-22 - $1,449,000

2022-23 - $1,483,000

2023-24 - $1,538,000

2024-25 -$1,561,000

Top 10 providers of goods and services by value for 2019-20:

Name Expenses SA Supplier Description
1 DPTI $626,437.04 Yes Office Accommodation
2 Department for Education $49,648.85 Yes SLA
3 Empired Limited $31,542.00 Yes ICT support
4 HP PPS Australia Pty Ltd $29,453.35 No Hardware equipment
5 LeasePlan Australia Limited $25,666.11 No Car rental
6 Ochre Dawn Pty Ltd $21,846.00 Yes Reconciliation Plan
7 Department for Trade, Tourism and Investment $19,790.57 Yes Electricity recharge
8 DPC $17,952.20 Yes SLA
9 Hays Recruiting Experts Worldwide $17,948.49 No Contractors
10 Schiavello Systems (SA) Pty Ltd $17,318.00 No Office supplies

It is noted that the Treasurer will be responding to the question regarding the value of the goods and services that was supplied to the agency by South Australian suppliers.