House of Assembly - Fifty-Fourth Parliament, Second Session (54-2)
2020-12-01 Daily Xml


Veteran Welbeing Centre

In reply to Mr BOYER (Wright) (25 November 2020). (Estimates Committee A)

The Hon. S.S. MARSHALL (Dunstan—Premier): I have been advised:

The investment supports refurbishment and fit-out of the former Sleep Studies building at the Repat Health Precinct to create the Veteran Wellbeing Centre. The Centre will provide consult rooms, digital hub and office spaces. Part of the funding is going towards refurbishment of the Schools Patriotic Funds (SPF) Hall which will incorporate a cafe, spiritual care space, activity hub, a large meeting space and a veteran's commemorative linkage canopy. The SPF Hall refurbishment is directly adjacent to the Veterans' Wellbeing Centre and is a crucial supportive element to the goals of the Veteran Wellbeing Centre.