House of Assembly - Fifty-Fourth Parliament, Second Session (54-2)
2021-02-03 Daily Xml


COVID-19 Departmental Employees

In reply to the Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN (Lee) (18 November 2020). (Estimates Committee B)

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer): I have been advised the following:

The department's 2019-20 actual FTEs of 1 542.7 is 56.7 higher than the 2018-19 actual number of 1 486.0 FTEs. This reflects:

Higher staff numbers in Super SA associated with an increase in operational activity—21.9 FTEs

Increase in resources in SafeWork SA for compliance, enforcement and workplace education—20.9 FTEs

Higher RevenueSA staff numbers to manage system changes associated with the land tax and payroll tax reforms—18.5 FTEs

Establishment of the Board of Treasurers secretariat—4.0 FTEs

Transfer of Lotteries Commission staff to the department on 1 April 2020—3.0 FTEs

Additional resource required to manage the bushfire concessional loans—1.0 FTE

partially offset by:

Higher vacancies in 2019-20 (51.8 FTEs) compared with 2018-19 (39.0 FTEs)—12.8 FTEs

The department's 2020-21 budget FTEs of 1 606.0 is 63.3 higher than the 2019-20 actual number of 1 542.7 FTEs. This reflects:

Vacant positions across the department in 2019-20 assumed to be filled in 2020-21—51.8 FTEs

Higher staff numbers to manage and support COVID-19 response programs—6.0 FTEs

Higher RevenueSA staff numbers to manage system changes associated with land tax reforms—3.5 FTEs

Higher Government Services staff to accelerate the adoption of electronic invoicing—2.0 FTEs.

Parliamentary Network Support Group (PNSG) transferred to DTF on 1 October 2020 from the Department for Infrastructure and Transport. Actual FTE's were for comparative purposes included the 2018-19 data.

The Small Business Grant team was established by mobilising staff within DTF which were not back-filled resulting in no significant movement in FTEs.

Actual FTEs for the Health Accounting Taxation Services (HATS) and Oracle Debt Management and Receipting (ODMR) business units were transferred to DTF on 1 July 2019 and 1 December 2019 respectively and for comparative purposes FTEs were included in the 2018-19 data.