House of Assembly - Fifty-Fourth Parliament, Second Session (54-2)
2020-04-30 Daily Xml


Public Works Committee: Parafield Gardens High School Redevelopment

Mr CREGAN (Kavel) (11:52): I move:

That the 53rd report of the committee, entitled Parafield Gardens High School Redevelopment, be noted.

Witnesses presented to the Public Works Committee at a public hearing on 20 February 2020 regarding this project, and their evidence was useful, informative and assisted the deliberations of the committee. Parafield Gardens High School is located on Shepherdson Road, Parafield Gardens in the district council of Salisbury. Parafield Gardens High School was allocated funding of $10 million as part of the Department for Education's capital works program.

With the transition of year 7 students to high school in 2022, it is expected that there will be an initial projected increase in the student enrolment numbers of up to 200 students at the high school. The proposed redevelopment at Parafield Gardens High School will ensure that there is sufficient capacity to accommodate 1,200 students. This is expected to cater for that transition, to which I have earlier referred in these remarks, and in earlier remarks on projects presented, in the time that has been made available to us today.

The redevelopment works at Parafield Gardens aim to provide new and refurbished learning areas more suited for the delivery of contemporary pedagogy in order to improve learning outcomes for students. When complete, the redevelopment project will provide an integrated year 7 to year 12 high school, including, of course, refurbishment of existing buildings as well. Specifically, the scope of the Parafield Gardens High School redevelopment works includes the construction of a new gymnasium with associated physical education laboratories and adjacent home economics labs; refurbishment of building 4 to create a dedicated performing arts studio, including drama, music, dance and performance spaces; and demolition of transportable buildings 11, 13 and 14.

The total cost estimate for the redevelopment works is $10 million, and the construction is expected to be completed by May 2021. The committee examined written and oral evidence in relation to this project and received assurances by Department for Education officials that the appropriate consultation in relation to the project had been undertaken.

The committee is satisfied that the proposal has been subject to the appropriate agency consultation and meets the criteria for the examination of projects as described in the Parliamentary Committees Act 1991. Accordingly, having regard to the evidence considered, and pursuant to section 12C of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1991, the Public Works Committee reports to parliament that it recommends the proposed scope of public works for this project.

Mr BROWN (Playford) (11:55): I will be quick because I do not want to hold this project up any longer, which I know has already been subject to some delay. When I first became a candidate, the very first function that I attended as a candidate for Playford was the anniversary of Parafield Gardens High School. The very first thing that people spoke to me about at that function was the fact that the school's gym area was substandard and needed to be upgraded. In fact, a number of people spoke to me on that particular day; and local residents, particularly teachers and other staff at the school, have been speaking to me about it ever since. I am pleased that, following discussions with myself and also others—

An honourable member: Discussions with yourself?

Mr BROWN: —I will finish the sentence—discussions with myself and others, it was decided by the previous government to extend the funds to an upgrade of the school and, as part of the Building Better Schools program, which you may recall, $10 million was allocated to Parafield Gardens High School for an upgrade. I am very pleased that this particular project is now coming to fruition. It is about time that students of Parafield Gardens High School are able to have graduations actually at the school rather than having to go all the way to the Shedley Theatre in Elizabeth to have them, and I am looking forward to being able to attend graduations in the future on the school premises.

As I said before, it is fantastic. I want to thank particularly not only the former treasurer, the member for West Torrens, but also the former minister for education, the member for Port Adelaide, for their assistance in bringing this project forward. I hope it happens with all speed. I cannot wait for the day when the current Minister for Education makes one of his extremely rare visits to my electorate to open the new premises.

Mr CREGAN (Kavel) (11:57): I acknowledge and thank the member for Playford. I think it might be right to also emphasise that the member for Playford is so powerful that he only need consult with himself before something be effected! But, nevertheless, I acknowledge his contribution and I thank him for it. I thank him for his advocacy and commitment to the people of his electorate, and I recommend the project to the house.

Motion carried.