House of Assembly - Fifty-Fourth Parliament, Second Session (54-2)
2021-06-08 Daily Xml


King Electorate Sporting Clubs

Ms LUETHEN (King) (15:42): I am delighted to be a part of the Marshall Liberal government that has delivered over $8 million of investment into sporting clubs and organisations, which King constituents and their families care about and participate in. We are certainly delivering what matters to people in King.

One of these investments locally includes the Marshall Liberal government's $6 million in funding through the Local Government Infrastructure Partnership Program towards the Harpers Field upgrade. Many King constituents are eagerly awaiting the completion of the City of Tea Tree Gully's prudential report so further progress can be made toward new clubrooms, change rooms and car parking at Harpers.

As the state member, I have collaborated with the clubs, and I have written letters to the City of Tea Tree Gully, pushing for plans and costings for upgrades to address car parking, ovals, clubrooms and change rooms, suggestions made by my clubs and my community members. I am now so excited for the King community that we are making real progress towards our shared goals. Again this year, I sent letters encouraging the three King councils to apply for the latest state government sports funding programs, and I am excited to announce that we have had further success.

In a recent infrastructure project grant round, the Pegasus Pony Club was successful in receiving $5,700 to install 150 metres of irrigation lines, including sprinklers and controllers. Pegasus Pony Club president, Sylvia Usher, told me that she was so excited with this news, as the irrigation lines will save her personally a lot of work and are critical for the club to upgrade its watering system. Thank you to Sylvia, Geoff, Kathryn, Benito and the committee at Pegasus for coming out to receive this fantastic news from the Minister for Sports and Recreation.

I was over the moon to hear the excellent news from Jose, President of the Modbury Bowling Club, of the state government's investment of $739,250 for a roof over the fantastic greens at the Modbury Bowling Club, which is being matched by council, showing great community support for the club. Many King constituents participate at the Modbury Bowling Club. I was equally excited to hear that the City of Playford was successful with two large grant applications, including one for $894,436 to construct three new unisex change rooms at the Elizabeth Oval. I am sure the Central District Football Club female players will be over the moon with this outcome.

Sporting participation is important. It is good for us and it is so apparent how successful it is in bringing our community together, as we have seen with the state government's $369,800 investment at the Golden Grove Tennis Club for the construction of their new clubrooms. This is now a very valued community facility. The Golden Grove Tennis Club President, Craig Mousley, told me that the club has been rallying for this investment for over 10 years, and I am proud it is the Marshall Liberal government that has delivered it.

Another local upgrade I am proud of is the South Australian Districts Netball Association car park, traffic flow and court resurfacing, worth around $400,000. It was great to collaborate with the City of Tea Tree Gully council on these projects. Thank you to the community and SADNA President, John Adams, for your advocacy and support with this project. Over 34 netball clubs and nearly 3,000 players benefit from these improvements.

Like my One Tree Hill community, I am extremely keen to see the McGilp Recreation Park redevelopment plans progress and I will be putting my strong support behind future grant applications from the City of Playford. There is yet another opportunity for our community, as the next grant round has opened now and I will certainly write a strong support letter for the council's next funding application, as I have done in previous rounds.

Finally, I wish to update the house on how I am encouraging my local community to have their say on the Marshall Liberal government's Sports Vouchers program. The Marshall government is proud to have invested $29.7 million over four years since March 2018 to extend and expand the Sports Vouchers program, first, by doubling the value of the voucher from $50 to $100, then to include dance activities and swimming lessons, and now I am going out to my community to ask them, 'Would you like to see it extended further? If so, jump on my website and fill out my survey.'

Time expired.