House of Assembly - Fifty-Fourth Parliament, Second Session (54-2)
2021-10-12 Daily Xml


Fruit Fly

780 Ms BEDFORD (Florey) (9 September 2021). How often are fruit fly traps and fruit checked in homes/residential yards per outbreak area and how many flies and/or larvae have been found in traps per outbreak area?

The Hon. D.K.B. BASHAM (Finniss—Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development): I am advised:

Depending on their location and the time of year, traps are checked on a fortnightly schedule, with traps in fruit production areas being serviced weekly in the warmer summer months.

Temporary supplementary traps deployed (when an outbreak is declared) into the centre of an outbreak, are checked every week.

The fruit flies and/or larvae found in traps per outbreak area are:

Metropolitan Area
Suburb Flies detected Larvae
Angle Park 3 0
Black Forest 6 0
Blair Athol 40 0
Campbelltown 122 0
Croydon Park 214 0
Klemzig 4 0
Pooraka 49 0
Ridleyton 7 0
Rosewater 23 0
Semaphore Park 147 0
Marleston 21 0
Warradale 0 0

Town Flies detected Larvae
Berri 4 0
Cooltong 1 0
Monash 3 0
Pike River 0 0
Renmark West 46 0

Port Augusta Flies detected Larvae
30 0