House of Assembly - Fifty-First Parliament, Third Session (51-3)
2009-12-01 Daily Xml



Dr McFETRIDGE (Morphett) (15:39): On 31 October, I had the pleasure of attending the Clubs SA annual awards of excellence dinner. I was able to talk to a lot of people about running clubs in South Australia and to make sure that they are happy with the way things are going. From the awards that were awarded that night there is ample evidence that we have in South Australia a very strong club movement involving hundreds of paid employees and also thousands of volunteers. Right across the state, from Roxby Downs to Mount Gambier and up to the Riverland (Cobdogla is mentioned frequently), the clubs in South Australia that provide entertainment, community support and also individual support to members of those communities is a fantastic thing to see.

The board of Clubs SA is headed by Cameron Taylor, who has been president for a number of years. Bill Cochrane, who is deputy president, is a very dedicated person. The other members of the board are Kym Flanagan, Greg Saunders, Laraine Donaghay, Steven Grant, Bob Raphael and Graham Nichols. The board should be very proud of the work it is doing.

On the awards night a number of awards were presented. Employee of the Year was won by Matthew Nastasijevic of the Para Hills Community Club. Matthew was an outstanding nominee and a worthy winner. He has contributed a tremendous amount to the success of the Para Hills Community Club; and the Para Hills Community Club features quite often in nominations in various categories for Clubs SA awards.

The 2008 winner of the Community Service Award was Para Hills Community Club and, again, it received the award in 2009. It is a very strong club. I used to live at Salisbury Downs and had many friends in Para Hills. The community was very strong at that time and still is.

The Spirit of the Club Movement was won by the Renmark Club. I am going to Renmark on Monday and I hope to speak to community members and visit the club. It is important that this community club is contributing towards the health and mental health of that community, in a financial sense, by being a worthy club and also with its support and activities.

The Occupational Health and Safety Award was won by Cobdogla & District Club. Cobdogla, which is near Barmera, is a terrific place. I learnt to water ski at Cobdogla many years ago, and it is great to see that the Cobdogla & District Club is a recipient of an award from Clubs SA.

The Best Dining Facility was won by the Para Hills Community Club. Once again, it is more evidence of how well the club is going. The Best Bar, which is a new category, is interesting. Glenelg Surf Life Saving Club was one of the nominees but it was pipped at the post by the Parafield Gardens Community Club.

The Best Entertainment Venue was won by Parafield Gardens Community Club, which is a terrific club. Parafield Gardens is next to Salisbury Downs where I lived as a kid. It was a brand new community when I was younger but it is now a very strong community, which is evidenced by the fact that the Parafield Gardens Community Club has won the Best Entertainment Venue.

The Most Improved Club was won by Renmark Club; and, once again, it is evidence of the worth of that club to the local district. They are continuing to improve the club and their ability to serve their community—which they are doing well.

The Best Gaming Machine Venue—a bit of a controversial award in some eyes—recognises responsible gaming. The Grand North Club at North Adelaide won that award. I remember debate in this place in relation to the legislation about that club. The Most Professional Manager went to Greg Saunders of the Parafield Gardens Community Club. Greg is a terrific bloke. Glenelg Surf Life Saving Club and the Vines Golf Club of Reynella were nominees for the Best Club Operations (Non Gaming). The Vines Golf Club won the award.

The Best Club Operations (Gaming) was won by the Parafield Gardens Community Club. They certainly do well in the northern suburbs. The Club of the Year in a regional area was Renmark Club—once again more evidence of the fantastic job the club is doing. Club of the Year—Metro (Small) went to Colonel Light Gardens Community RSL, which is a terrific club and the RSL is a terrific organisation. It was great to see them winning the Club of the Year—Metro (Small) Award.

The Club of the Year—Metro (Large) was the Para Hills Community Club. It is a great club, one of many in South Australia doing a fantastic job. I congratulate them all.