House of Assembly - Fifty-First Parliament, Third Session (51-3)
2008-11-27 Daily Xml



Introduction and First Reading

Mr HANNA (Mitchell) (10:55): Obtained leave and introduced a bill for an act to amend the Waterworks Act 1932. Read a first time.

Second Reading

Mr HANNA (Mitchell) (10:55): I move:

That this bill be now read a second time.

Today I bring to the House of Assembly two proposals. One is very straightforward, and that is the second proposal in the bill. It is simply to require that water bills come out every quarter and that such bills show the amount that has been consumed in the previous three billing periods—in other words, allowing a comparison over a period of 12 months when one receives one's water bill. In relation to that, I am suggesting that this does not come into effect until 1 July 2010, to allow SA Water plenty of time to make the necessary arrangements.

The more substantial aspect of this proposal is a scheme to install separate meters for all properties in South Australia. I believe that this is absolutely essential if we are to be successful in our bid to better regulate domestic consumption of water. It is a problem in my electorate (and, I think, in every electorate) that people who share premises with other owners in a set of units, apartments, flats—call it what you will—suffer the detriment of a split water bill so that, even if they are frugal with water, they can find their water bill going up because their neighbours in the same block of units are profligate in their water use.

This has been the subject of parliamentary petitions, in particular, in relation to Housing Trust properties. I know that it is an issue for many of my Housing Trust tenants in the electorate of Mitchell. But it makes sense that eventually we need to give responsibility to each landowner—each householder—for the water they consume, and that simply is not done, and effectively cannot be done, at present. So, we need to move to a scheme where there is a separate meter for every property.

I have let an exemption here whereby the scheme is not required to extend to premises where it is not reasonably practicable to fit a separate meter. That may be the case in some unusual properties. I do not imagine that it would be a problem in the average block of units in metropolitan Adelaide.

The time frame in relation to this proposal is a limit of 31 December 2012. So, even if this legislation is passed early next year, it will give the government and SA Water 2½ years or more to ensure that such a scheme is carried out. There is also a clause to make the corporation (SA Water) report progress, in its annual report, on achieving this objective.

So, there we have it: two simple proposals—one for separate meters to be fitted to every property in South Australia, where it is reasonably practicable, and a second for the accounts for water to be provided quarterly and with a comparison of the three preceding quarters. In explaining the legislation, I have also explained the clauses. I commend the bill to the house.

Debate adjourned on motion of Mrs Geraghty.