House of Assembly - Fifty-First Parliament, Third Session (51-3)
2009-04-30 Daily Xml



Second Reading

Adjourned debate on second reading.

(Continued from 13 November 2008. Page 933.)

The Hon. R.B. SUCH (Fisher) (10:43): I will make a very brief comment. I support the concept and the implementation of some restriction on when gaming machines can be played. If you look at the record, I did support the introduction of poker machines despite strong opposition from people, threats and so forth. I did so on the basis that I believe that, unless there is a clearly demonstrated ill-effect, you should not restrict people's rights to do things. A big caveat on that is, of course, if it applies to children. That is why we protect children from excessive violence; particularly, sexual violence and other activities.

However, when it comes to gaming machines, I believe people have a right to play them but, along with other aspects of our society, we have to have sensible rules about their operation. I cannot see why they need to operate 24 hours a day seven days a week. Therefore, I support sensible measures which would restrict the operating hours of these machines to periods when people can have their enjoyment and pleasure, if that is what they want to do, but I think they should be shut down for a period of time. I believe that would help those who are chronic gamblers, and I think it would also lead to a healthier situation in our community. I support what the member is doing.

I guess the question is: what hours should gaming machines be allowed to operate or, alternatively, shut down? I think there is a strong case for having a clear time during the day for the closure of those machines. I do not understand why people have to play them at breakfast time, for example; that eludes me. However, I am quite supportive if people want to play them for much of the day, but I do not think they should be available all day, even allowing for shiftworkers. I think we can come up with a sensible arrangement where there is a closedown period for part of 24 hours.

Debate adjourned on motion of Mrs Geraghty.