Estimates Committee A - Answers to Questions: Friday, November 30, 2012



In reply to Mr PISONI (Unley) (26 June 2012).

The Hon. T.R. KENYON (Newland—Minister for Employment, Higher Education and Skills, Minister for Science and Information Economy, Minister for Recreation and Sport): The DFEEST annual report defines executives as those employees who earned more than $127,500 including superannuation payments. Of the 44 executives, 31 were classified as true executives as defined in the Public Sector Act, 2009. The remaining 13 positions were included as their salary, and superannuation exceeded $127,000 per annum.

In this reporting period, a total of 20 Executives separated from DFEEST, five were as a result of TVSPs, and 15 retired or resigned.

The current data below identifies true DFEEST Executive positions under South Australian Executive Services (SAES), Educational Management positions under the TAFE Act and Manager Administrative Services positions under the PS Act:

Director, Programs and Services EM-B 01 Educational Manager
Educational Manager, Educational Support Services EM-B 01 Educational Manager
Director, Programs and Educational Services EM-C 01 Educational Manager
Director, Programs and Educational Development EM-C 01 Educational Manager
Educational Director, TAFE SA North SAES-1 Executive Contract
Project Director, Skills for All Taskforce SAES-1 Executive Contract
Dental Clinical Director DSO-3 02
Director, SIEC SAES-1 Executive Contract
Project Director, Strategic Policy, Resources and Finance SAES-1 Executive Contract
Director, Skills SA SAES-1 Executive Contract
Director, Infrastructure and Procurement SAES-1 Executive Contract
Director, Digital Economy and Technology SAES-1 Executive Contract
Director, Participation and Equity SAES-1 Executive Contract
Director, Traineeship and Apprenticeship Services SAES-1 Executive Contract
Director, Industry Skills Development SAES-1 Executive Contract
Director, Education and Programs, TAFE SA South SAES-1 Executive Contract
Educational Director, TAFE SA North SAES-1 Executive Contract
Managing Director, TAFE SA Regional SAES-2 Executive Contract
Executive Director, Corporate Services SAES-2 Executive Contract
Managing Director, TAFE SA South SAES-2 Executive Contract
Managing Director, TAFE SA North SAES-2 Executive Contract
Chief Executive, Office of TAFE SA SAES-2 Executive Contract
Deputy Chief Executive, DFEEST SAES-2 Executive Contract
Chief Executive, DFEEST EXEC ULE Executive Contract