Estimates Committee A - Answers to Questions: Friday, November 30, 2012



In reply to Mr MARSHALL (Norwood—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (26 June 2012).

The Hon. T.R. KENYON (Newland—Minister for Employment, Higher Education and Skills, Minister for Science and Information Economy, Minister for Recreation and Sport): The 2009-10 Guidelines for the Premier's Science and Research Fund specifically state that any public or independent South Australian research organisation is eligible to apply for funding under this program. This would include the University of Adelaide, the University of South Australia and Flinders University. This definition would also include organisations such as the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI), the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) and the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO).

Independent research organisations such as South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI), Women and Children Health Research Institute (WCHRI), Australian Wine Research Institute (AWRI) and Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics (ACPFG) would also be eligible under the definition described above. In addition, Cooperative Research Centres with headquarters in South Australia are eligible to applying for this funding.

The following list of recipients of Premiers Science and Research Funding from 2002-11 is provided for information:

PSRF Investment—Round 1 to Round 8

Project Year Comm-enced Year Comp-leted Funding Recipient Partners SA Govt Investment Partner Investment Total Investment
ROUND 1 (2003-04)
Microanalysis Futures Project 2004 2007 University of Adelaide Flinders University, PIRSA, SA Museum, Sola International Research Centre, University of South Australia $535,498 $1,600,000 $2,135,498
Peer Robotics Mentoring 2004 2007 University of South Australia Australian Science and Mathematics School, eLabtronics, Flinders University $350,000 $750,000 $1,100,000
Healthy Brains 2004 2007 Flinders University - $70,000 $0 $70,000
TOTAL ROUND 1 ($) 955,498 2,350,000 3,305,498
ROUND 2 (2004-05)
Min Pilot Plant 2005 2008 University of South Australia BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto Ltd, SA Chamber of Mines $300,000 $380,000 $680,000
Defence Photonics Partnership 2005 2008 University of Adelaide BAE Systems, DSTO, Tenix $250,000 $1,300,000 $1,550,000
Enabling Infrastructure for Advanced Microscopy and Nanoscopy in SA 2005 2008 Flinders University Australian Water Quality Centre, Bio Innovation SA, TGR Biosciences, University of Adelaide, University of South Australia, Yalumba Wine Company $552,611 $1,200,000 $1,752,611
SA Scope Screening for Pregnancy Endpoints 2005 2008 University of Adelaide King College, Department of Health, University of Auckland, University College Cork, University of Manchester $2,300,000 $2,300,000 $4,600,000
A New Centre for Antibody Technologies 2005 2008 Flinders University Chemican International Inc, CSIRO, Neubody Pty Ltd, Women's and Children's Health Research Institute $759,000 $1,700,000 $2,459,000
Operational Ocean Current Forecast for SA Waters 2005 2008 Flinders University Bureau of Meteorology, SA Partnership for Advanced Computing, SARDI $347,610 $245,010 $592,620
Stormwater Aquifer Storage Transfer and Recovery for a Portable Urban Water Supply 2005 2008 United Water Inter-national City of Salisbury, CSIRO, DWLBC, Northern Adelaide & Barossa Catchment Water Management Board, Reclaim Water, SA Water $350,000 $1,500,000 $1,850,000
Value Adding South Australian Lamb 2005 2008 University of Adelaide TAFE SA, Wanderibby $250,000 $549,700 $799,700
TOTAL ROUND 2 ($) 5,109,221 9,174,710 14,283,931
ROUND 3 (2005-06)
Next Generation Digital Phased Array Systems for Radio Frequency Surveillance, Navigation and Environmental Monitoring 2006 2009 University of Adelaide DSTO, Tenix Defence $300,000 $1,200,000 $1,500,000
Investigations in technology for high efficiency energy saving electric machines 2006 2009 Glassy Metal Techno-logies University of Adelaide (School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering) $300,000 $100,000 $400,000
Advanced Material Surface Engineering 2006 2009 University of South Australia Mawson Institute of Advanced Manufacturing, University of South Australia, Carl Zeiss Vision, Schefenacker Vision Systems $312,400 $1,050,000 $1,362,400
New Information for Mineral Processing 2006 2009 University of South Australia BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto, Canadia Light Sources, Advanced Light Source, ANKA Synchrotron $362,700 $300,000 $622,700
Centre for Drug Formulation and Delivery 2006 2009 University of South Australia University of South Australia (Ian Wark Research Institute, Centre for Pharmaceutical Research and PharmaQest Pty Ltd), Mayne Pharma International, Metabolic Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd, Acrux Ltd, Sigma Tau, Neuren Pharmaceuticals $550,000 $679,500 $1,229,500
South Australia's access to the Australian Synchrotron 2006 2011 University of Adelaide University of Adelaide (School of Chemistry and Physics, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, School of Agriculture and Wine), University of South Australia, Flinders University (School of Chemistry, Physics and Earth Sciences, School of Biological Sciences), SA Museum, Forensic Science SA, IMVS, CSIRO Land and Water, AMDEL Ltd, SARDI $850,000 $1,600,000 $2,450,000
National Solution for the Treatment and recycling of waste oil residues 2006 2009 Flinders University Murdoch University, COMET Resources Ltd $1,040,000 $2,500,000 $3,540,000
A new sea plane industry for South Australia 2006 2009 Tigerfish Aviation Pty Ltd Mincham Aviation Pty Ltd, GISCA, University of Adelaide (School of Mechanical Engineering) $300,000 $300,000 $600,000
Florey Male Ageing Study 2006 2009 University of Adelaide University of Adelaide (Department of Medicine, Orthopaedics, Hanson Institute), Flinders University (Centre for Ageing Studies), SA Department of Health, IMVS, CSIRO Human Nutrition, Central Northern Adelaide Health Service $300,000 $280,258 $580,258
Value Adding for the South Australian Wheat Industry 2006 2009 SARDI Molecular Plant Breeding CRC, University of Adelaide, Australian Grain Technologies, Laucke Flour Mills $647,900 $0 $647,900
TOTAL ROUND 3 ($) 4,963,000 8,009,758 12,972,758
ROUND 4 (2006-07)
The Establishment of a large-scale, world class wind tunnel to support SA's defence, aerospace and wind turbine sectors. 2007 2010 The University of Adelaide - $800,000 $1,200,000 $2,000,000
A Materials Research Engineering Facility for Conducting Polymers 2007 2010 Ian Wark Research Institute—Uni of SA Carl Zeiss Vision, Mawson Institute for Advanced Manufacturing, Visiocorp Australia $376,956 $756,956 $1,133,912
A Visual Technologies Laboratory 2007 2010 The University of Adelaide DSTO, Rising Sun Pictures, BAE Systems $750,000 $1,564,000 $2,314,000
Development of Wine Yeast Strains to value-add to Australian Wine 2007 2010 The Australian Wine Research Institute CSIRO Plant Industry, AB Mauri Australia, Grape and Wine Research Development Corporation, Provisor, SARDI, University of Adelaide, Wine Innovation Cluster, Yalumba Wine Company $533,745 $2,833,745 $3,367,490
Building and Fit and Healthy SA (SAPHIRE Project) 2007 2009 University of South Australia Child Health Research Institute, Child, Youth and Women's Health Service, Department of Health, Flinders University, Melbourne University, Spencer Gulf Rural Health, University of Adelaide $1,300,000 $170,000 $1,470,000
TOTAL ROUND 4 ($) 3,760,701 6,524,701 10,285,402
ROUND 5 (2007-08)
The South Australian Networking Laboratory (SANLAB) 2008 2011 The University of Adelaide ASC Pty Ltd, BAE Systems, CISCO Systems Australia, University of South Australia $900,000 $1,995,000 $2,895,000
A New Advanced Manufacturing Capability and Capacity in SA 2008 2011 The University of South Australia Bio Innovation SA, Carl Zeiss Vision, CSIRO Food Futures, Electronic Industries Association, Flinders University, Research Laboratories Australia, Visiocorp Australia $910,038 $2,210,038 $3,120,076
High Power Fibre Lasers for Defence Applications 2008 2011 The University of Adelaide DSTO, Tenxi Group $1,500,000 $1,725,000 $3,225,000
Smart Sensors for Smart Packaging** 2008 2011 The University of Adelaide - $79,457 $0 $79,457
Medical Device Product Development Centre 2008 2011 The Finders University Australian Institute for Commercialisation, Centre for Innovation, City of Marion, ENTECH Group, Flinders Biomedical Engineering, Flinders Partners, Manufacturing Focus Pty Ltd, Novita Children's Services, Office for the Ageing, Office for the Southern Suburbs, Office of the Venture Capital Board, Southern Adelaide Economic Development Board, University of Adelaide, University of South Australia $625,000 $3,025,000 $3,650,000
Micro-algal Biofuels Industry 2008 2009 The Flinders University NCRIS $75,514 $116,814 $192,328
Optical Fibres for Light-matter Interactions 2008 2011 Adelaide University ARC, DSTO $600,000 $4,100,000 $4,700,000
Regional Sustainability Centre in Whyalla 2008 2012 The University of South Australia ANU, Onesteel, Whyalla Economic Development Board $660,000 $1,345,000 $2,005,000
Improving Knowledge for promoting Population Health 2008 2011 Flinders University ARC, Department of Health, Department of the Premier and Cabinet $600,000 $2,191,788 $2,791,788
TOTAL ROUND 5 ($) 5,950,009 16,708,640 22,658,649
ROUND 6 (2008-09)
Materials Engineering for Murray Darling 2009 2012 University of South Australia Flinders University, SA Water, United Water $1,100,000 $1,900,000 $3,00,000
Small Scale Wind Turbine System for Stand Alone and Grid Connected Application 2009 2010 University of Adelaide Diverse Industry Group Australia, Glassy Metal Technology $25,000 $25,000
Developing Microalgal Biodiesel Feedstock for SA 2009 2012 Flinders University Australian Rail Track Corporation, Balance Carbon, City of Onkaparinga, City of Marion, SA Centre for Innovation, SARDI, SANCON Recycling Pty Ltd, United Water International $1,100,000 $2,800,000 $3,900,000
Climate change—landscape vulnerability and adaptation 2009 2012 University of Adelaide CSIRO, Department for Environment and Heritage, Department for Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation, SARDI, SA Murray Darling Basin NRM Board $1,260,983 $2,400,000 $3,660,983
Neural Recovery for Spinal Cord Injury 2009 2012 Central Northern Adelaide Health Service Central Northern Adelaide Health Service, University of Melbourne, Austin Health, University of Western Australia $198,240 $5,091,133 $5,289,373
TOTAL ROUND 6 ($) 3,684,223 12,191,133 15,875,356
ROUND 7 (2009-10)
Plant Image Analysis for the Development of Stress-Tolerant Crops 2010 2013 University of South Australia Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics, University of Adelaide $420,000 $1,096,554 $1,516,554
Aerial and Satellite Imagery Exploitation Program 2010 2013 University of Adelaide Apogee Imaging International, Carbon Planet, Flinders University $592,708 $2,192,708 $2,785,416
Adapting to Climate Change in South Australia: Human Dimensions of Transect Project 2010 2013 University of Adelaide Flinders University, Natural Research Management Research Alliance, University of South Australia $381,793 $1,261,793 $1,643,586
TRansect for ENvironment-al monitoring and Decision making (TREND)—Adaptive Management of Productive and Native Systems for Climate Change 2010 2013 University of Adelaide Department for Environment and Heritage, Department for Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation, SARDI $1,350,000 $4,350,000 $5,700,000
Goyder Institute 2010 2011 CSIRO University of South Australia, Flinders University, University of Adelaide, SA Government $500,000 $0 $500,000
TOTAL ROUND 7 ($) 3,244,501 8,901,055 12,145,556
ROUND 8 (2010-11)
Drilling Research and Training Facility 2011 2014 Deep Exploration Tech-nologies CRC Boart Longyear, CSIRO, University of Adelaide $774,373 $2,807,505 $3,581,878
Trace Element and Imaging Facilities 2011 2014 University of Adelaide SA Museum, PIRSA, CSIRO, Deep Exploration Technologies CRC $341,473 $766,946 $1,108,419
Advanced Reproductive Sensing Technologies 2011 2014 University of Adelaide Reproductive Health Sciences Pty Ltd, Cook Medical, Fertility SA, Flinders Reproductive Medicine $700,000 $1,984,000 $2,684,000
Marine Biotechnology Industry 2011 2012 Flinders South Australian Research and Development Institute, SA Museum, Australian Institute of Marine Sciences, Australian Kelp Products Pty Ltd, Nutrizeal Pty Ltd, Diamond Biotech Laboratories Pty Ltd/Fravin Pty Ltd $20,000 $60,000 $80,000
Development of a Sustainable SA Macro-algal Aquaculture Industry 2011 2014 SARDI The University of Adelaide, Flinders University, Science to Manage Uncertainty, PIRSA Fisheries and Aquaculture, Abalone Investments Ltd, Marinova Pty Ltd, Adam & Amos Abalone Foods, Penrice Soda Products Pty Ltd, Coorong Aquaculture Pty Ltd $1,139,567 $2,327,553 $3,467,120
Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Plant Cell Walls 2011 2013 University of Adelaide ARC, University of Melbourne, University of QLD, others $500,000 $0 $500,000
Seafood Safety & Market Access 2011 2014 SARDI Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre/Abalone Council of Australia, Paua Industry Council of New Zealand, University of Tasmania, AquaBio Consultants Limited, Cawthron Institute, Abalone Association of Australasia $286,902 $1,450,872 $1,737,774
TOTAL ROUND 8 ($) 3,762,315 9,396,876 13,159,191
PSRF GRAND TOTAL ROUND 1—8 ($) 31,429,468 73,256,873 104,686,347