Legislative Council - Fifty-First Parliament, Third Session (51-3)
2009-12-03 Daily Xml


Parliamentary Procedure


The PRESIDENT (14:19): I regrettably rise to inform the council of the sad passing of Ashley Marshall on 2 December 2009, aged 67. Ashley joined the Office of Parliamentary Counsel in 1970 and provided a legislative drafting service to the parliament for 32 years until her retirement in 2002. During her many years of service to the parliament, Ashley showed immense courage in overcoming the disabilities which she faced in being confined to a wheelchair. She influenced the form of the state's legislation in many significant areas, including in relation to pastoral land, soil conservation, medical and dental practice, controlled substances, criminal law, correctional services, gaming machines, lottery and gaming, and expiration of offences. Her sharp mind and dedication served the parliament well.

In addition, Ashley served as Commissioner of Statute Revision from the mid-1980s until her retirement and was instrumental in establishing the reprint program for acts and its scheme of detailed legislative histories. I am sure that members and staff who knew Ashley will be sorry to learn of her passing and will join me in expressing our deepest sympathy to her relatives and friends.